
Highlights from the Letter Writing Group

Highlights from the Letter Writing Group

There are 60 committed writers in the Letter Writing group of Lighter Footprints. In 2019, 40 of them successfully published 344 interesting, hard-hitting and thought-provoking letters, 222 on climate. 2020 has started off well with 63 letters published in January and February, 43 on climate.
At the 2020 Vision event with Simon Holmes a Court, it was good to be able to acknowledge Malcolm Cameron’s amazing leadership of this group over 10 years.

Volunteering in the forest

Volunteering in the forest

BREAKING NEWS: Win in the courts to Friends of Leadbeater's Possum to protect 66 coupes.  Read stories in the Guardian and the The Age. Recently I had the privilege of joining a group of passionate young people in Mountain Ash and Peppermint forest near Toolangi, only...

A re-lived night of the bushfires and all that… by Carolyn Ingvarson

A re-lived night of the bushfires and all that… by Carolyn Ingvarson

"I was, again, shocked" After three riveting shows tonight on the bushfires, I’m still reeling. Four Corners showed us what it felt like to be in the middle of those terrors and just what the people were feeling like. I found myself watching with my hand over my mouth...

If now is not the time to talk about climate change, when will it be?

If now is not the time to talk about climate change, when will it be?

In 2019 double London's entire annual rain fell on Townsville in just a fortnight, our country has endured another round of cyclones, Tasmania burned, the previous four years have been the hottest on record, with 2019 capping the warmest decade as the second hottest...

Petitioning for a Climate Emergency Declaration in Boroondara

Petitioning for a Climate Emergency Declaration in Boroondara

Lighter Footprints has joined forces with other groups in the Kooyong Climate Change Alliance to work towards the City of Boroondara declaring a Climate Emergency. We have been petitioning the good people of Boroondara since October in shopping centres on Saturday...

A flood of climate letters in the AFR

A flood of climate letters in the AFR

Congratulations to the dedicated and persistent letter writers who have been featured during the second week of January in the Australian Financial Review! It takes a special person to get up early day after day, scan articles and the news, and respond with wit, grace...

Clean Economy transition increases Australian self sufficiency

Clean Economy transition increases Australian self sufficiency

What if Australians embrace the necessary shift to a clean economy, accelerate full tilt to a hydrogen lift off well before 2030, and shut down coal for good? All we have to do is get hydrogen below $2/kg…. Opinion piece by Sally Newell

Anthea Harris – potential for a Victorian clean economy

Anthea Harris – potential for a Victorian clean economy

"One of the country’s most experienced climate policy practitioners". This how Frank Jotzo described Anthea Harris when lamenting the Abbott government's spree of public servant sackings over carbon predicting her probable demise as the CEO of the Climate Change...

Tom Kompas – the case for a faster transition to a clean economy

Tom Kompas – the case for a faster transition to a clean economy

How can Australia prevent a $584.5 billion dollar loss by 2030? Or a projected cumulation of more than $5 trillion in losses by 2100? Or save $14,000 a household every year over the long term? A lively discussion of Forum speaker Prof Tom Kompas’s groundbreaking work from Meg Ivory.

Regenerative Agriculture – massive climate action potential

Regenerative Agriculture – massive climate action potential

Agriculture, Regeneration and Climate by Matilda Bowra Over 80 people filled the Guide Hall at Faversham Road in Canterbury on 25 September to hear advocate Bev Middleton and former farmer and Chairman of Healthy Soils Australia Thomas Nicholas speak about...

Well over 100,000 in Melbourne for the Global Climate Strike

Well over 100,000 in Melbourne for the Global Climate Strike

Melbourne turned out in force for the global Climate Strike – kids, parents, First Nations and Pacific, workers and grandparents overflowed Treasury Gardens. Organisers called it at 150,000. Poignant signs, kids on shoulders, music and puppets and sheer determination to act on climate.

Point of clarification

Point of clarification about the imputation that Lighter Footprints, by association, is behind the Section 44 claim against Josh Frydenberg. For the record, Lighter Footprints is a long standing local climate action group in the Kooyong and adjacent electorates....

Clean Energy Disruption Forum

Clean Energy Disruption Forum

One year ago, energy expert and media commentator Simon Holmes a Court packed out our hall for his take on what is going on with energy policy in Australia.  Since then we have had a tumultuous time in politics, including a new PM, kicked off by the failure of yet...

Don’t Mention the Emergency? – Jane Morton

Don’t Mention the Emergency? – Jane Morton

Don’t Mention the Emergency? November 28th Welcome to our next event, the last public meeting of the year - “Don't mention the Emergency” The earth is too hot. But we do have effective, affordable solutions if we can scale up action rapidly. Jane Morton, an...

Climate Change: Why should I care? – October forum wrap-up

Climate Change: Why should I care? – October forum wrap-up

Over 400 people attended our forum in Hawthorn Arts Centre on Tuesday 30 October.  Forum short videos Our editors have now finished syncing up the sound and vision and chopping up the long video into some bite sized chunks so you can listen again to what our...

Forests and Climate Change – what is the connection?

Forests and Climate Change – what is the connection?

Next Monthly Meeting - September 26 2018 Forests and Climate Change  - what is the connection? Come and hear Chris Taylor and Maggie Riddington give their perspectives on forests. Chris has worked fro many years researching the way that forests work. He is also a...

Project Drawdown

Project Drawdown

Wednesday 29th August, AGM and  Speakers Our AGM is on Wed August 29. The hall will be ready to receive you at 6.30pm for 7pm start, at the Guide Hall in Faversham Rd Canterbury. The AGM will be in the first half hour of our motherly meeting  and will run from from 7...

Call to Action! Inspiring speakers for July 2018 Meeting

Call to Action! Inspiring speakers for July 2018 Meeting

Julia Croatto is the convenor of ACF Boroondara. In her own words: I have been a longtime ACF supporter but only became more active at last year's Convergence event (in September).  At that weekend event we were grouped regionally and I found myself with several...

