Nov 27, 2020 | Clean Energy, Gas, Opinion
Key messages about the gas-fired recovery ‘Natural gas’ is a fossil fuel (methane) Methane leakage rates can make gas as bad as coal Methane contributes 25% of global heating New gas is not needed, and will not lower prices New gas will not...
Nov 17, 2020 | Boroondara Council, Climate Emergency, Lighter Footprints Working Groups, Local government, Whitehorse Council
A challenging time to hold elections Now that we know what our local councils are going to look like after the recent local government elections, it is time to start considering how we work with them on the matters that are important to us. But first, let’s...
Nov 15, 2020 | Communicating climate change, Letters, Taking Action
Why write letters to newspapers? Letters to the editor are very popular with readers. A well written letter has the potential to change the view of thousands. Politicians take notice of letters and assign daily reading as a task to staff. Some letters like this one...
Nov 10, 2020 | Carbon, Climate Damage, Communicating climate change, Paris commitment
Not on track. Not “in a canter”. In November 2016, the Australian Government officially ratified the Paris Climate Agreement. But in the lead-up to the last Federal election in 2019, the Morrison Government began a misleading campaign that Australia is...
Nov 9, 2020 | Climate Emergency, Climate psychology, Denial, Positive message
This is an excellent four-part series presented by Radio National’s Richard Aedy on Climate Change Each heading below is a link to the RN episode page. Highly recommended. Another excellent RN climate change series is the talk by Swedish climate scientist Johan...
Nov 1, 2020 | Biodiversity, Carbon, Court action, Environmental law, Environmental protection, Forests, Legal action, Taking Action
Forests store amazing amounts of carbon The amount of carbon stored in the world’s forests is more than the carbon stored in fossil fuel reserves and more than the total carbon added to the atmosphere as a consequence of human activities in the last 150 years....