This is an excellent four-part series presented by Radio National’s Richard Aedy on Climate Change
Each heading below is a link to the RN episode page. Highly recommended.
Another excellent RN climate change series is the talk by Swedish climate scientist Johan Rockström on the Science Show. Also on our website here.
INTRODUCING Hot Mess — Why haven’t we fixed climate change?
It’s been over three decades since most of us first heard about global warming. Meanwhile, the 20 hottest years on record have all occurred in the last quarter century. We’re had heatwaves, storms, drought and bushfires on an unprecedented scale. Why has it been so hard to agree and take action on climate change? How can we rise to meet the challenge? Duration: 4 min, Broadcast: Sun 26 Apr 2020, 8:00 am
01 | Hot Mess — Human frailties
What it is about us, all of us, that makes climate change hard to get our heads around and even harder to do something about? We talk to people who understand that climate change is a real danger and people who don’t. And we hear from researchers looking at why we are the way we are.
Guests: Jennifer Brook, Director and lead researcher, 2020 climate change report, IPSOS; George Marshall, author of Don’t Even Think About It: why our brains are wired to ignore climate change; Ben Newell, Professor of Cognitive Psychology, University of New South Wales; Richard’s neighbours, Karen & Alfie, Richard’s friend, Paul
Simon Gedda, grazier and member of Farmers for Climate Action; Winnifred Louis, Professor, School of Psychology, University of Queensland; Neil Levy, Professor, School of Philosophy, Macquarie University; Sue Moore, Mayor of Singleton, Duration: 37 min Broadcast: Sun 3 May 2020, 8:00 am
02 | Hot Mess — Spin Cycle
The fossil fuel industries ignored their own research as far back as the 1960s and then denied climate change was going on. We hear how a small group of think tanks and a compliant media pushed our buttons, undermined the science, and turned it into a controversy.
Guests: Elaine McKewon, PhD candidate, UTS; Ian Dunlop, member, Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Restoration and former Chair Australian Coal Association; Chris Cherry, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Tennessee; Graham Readfearn, environment reporter, Guardian Australia; John Roskam, Executive Director, Institute of Public Affairs; Paul Barry, presenter, Media Watch, ABC; Emily Townsend, former Commercial Finance Manager, Corporate Functions, News Corp Australia. Duration: 40 min, Broadcast: Sun 10 May 2020, 8:00 am
03 | Hot Mess — Party lines
There’s more to our climate politics than the circus of losing a succession of Prime Ministers. Export earnings, donations, access, revolving doors between politics and industry mean that both sides of politics are close to the fossil fuel sector. In our tight Parliament, mining regions have become crucially important. And actions like the recent Stop Adani Convoy have only deepened climate change divisions.
Guests: Kim Sinclair, Moranbah resident; Ian Dunlop, member, Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Restoration and former Chair Australian Coal Association; Pat Conroy, Federal Member for Shortland, Shadow Minister Assisting for Climate Change; Jennifer Westacott, Chief Executive, Business Council of Australia; Graham Readfearn, environment reporter, Guardian Australia; Sue Moore, Mayor of Singleton; Ebony Bennett, Deputy Director, The Australia Institute; Danielle Wood, Grattan Institute Program Director; Bruce Robertson, Australasian gas/LNG analyst, Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis; Andrew McConville, Chief Executive, Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (APPEA); Michael West, independent journalist, Michael West Media. Duration: 39 miin, Broadcast: Sun 17 May 2020, 8:00 am.
04 | Hot Mess — Hope
Despite all the gridlock on Australia’s climate policy, there are moves towards a decarbonised economy. The exit from coal is gathering pace in the finance and insurance sectors. On the technology front, cheaper renewables are driving new green hydrogen projects that could make Australia an energy super power. And there’s the kids – the Climate Strike generation will soon be voting and they want action. Perhaps there’s a chance we can really change.
Guests: Alex Hewitt, Chairman, Continental Wind Partners (CWP), developers of The Asian Renewable Energy Hub; Emma Herd, CEO, Investor Group on Climate Change (IGCC); Anna Skarbek, CEO, ClimateWorks Australia; Brett Allan, General Manager Supply Chain and Strategic Sourcing, Molycop; Damien Krauklis, Construction Manager, Edify Energy; Mark Leplastrier, Executive Manager Natural Perils, Insurance Australia Group Limited (IAG); Jean Hinchliffe, organiser, School Strike 4 Climate, author of Lead the Way; Jennifer Westacott, Chief Executive, Business Council of Australia; Jerry Taylor, President and co-founder, Niskanen Center; Jennifer Brook, Director and lead researcher, 2020 climate change report, IPSOS; Winnifred Louis, Professor, School of Psychology, University of Queensland; Richard’s neighbour, Aaron. Duration: 39 min, Broadcast: Sun 24 May 2020, 8:00 am.