May 12, 2015 | Climate Damage, Climate Emergency
Wednesday 27 May 7pm for 7.30pm Guide Hall – Faversham Rd Canterbury Places you love: What threats do you see to these places and how can you help to protect them Come and join us to discuss your own views on the places you love and how best to protect...
May 11, 2015 | Boroondara Council, Taking Action
Local citizens showed overwhelming support for much stronger Australian targets for cutting carbon emissions at our stall at St Paul’s Anglican Church Fair in Canterbury on Saturday 9 May. Fair-goers signed letters urging the Prime Minister Tony Abbott and local...
May 3, 2015 | Boroondara Council, Taking Action
Sunny weather brought families and local citizens to the Burwood Village festival on Saturday 2 May and to our Lighter Footprints stall where they inspected our solar thermal power plant model. They also signed letters in droves to Prime Minister Tony Abbott and...