Nov 18, 2024 | Boroondara Council, Lighter Footprints Forum, Local government
What a win! From a pretty conservative Council to a strong climate-active majority The result is historic, a profound shift, and a testament to the huge volunteer efforts for individual progressive Councillors across Boroondara. As Lighter Footprints committee member...
Nov 17, 2024 | Boroondara Council, Kooyong, Local government, Planning
Activity Centre Proposal Camberwell has been designated by the state government as an Activity Centre ‘pilot’ with the plan to implement the rules developed across metropolitan Melbourne. The State government’s Camberwell Activity Centre includes the Commercial ‘Core’...
Aug 29, 2024 | Boroondara Council, Electrification, Gas
Presentation of Petition to the City of Boroondara The Kew Recreation Centre is undergoing a major redevelopment, however in October 2022 a section of the steel roof structure partially collapsed. There is more detail on progress here on the Boroondara Council’s...
May 28, 2024 | Boroondara Council, Tree Canopy
The role canopy trees play in providing shade and countering the urban heat island effect. Image credit: GroupGSA Tree Canopy The tree canopy in Boroondara includes trees in streets and transport corridors, parks and nature reserves, private gardens, waterway...
Aug 26, 2022 | Biodiversity, Boroondara Council, Climate Policy, Planning
Canopy tree and climate change in Boroondara. Why should we be concerned? Benefits of Canopy Trees Whether in public spaces or on private land, trees enhance our sense of well-being, help reduce the urban heat island effect and support biodiversity. Canopy trees cool...
Oct 14, 2021 | Boroondara Council, Letters, Local government
This is our chance to support increased funds for Boroondara’s Climate Action Plan This guide offers you some quick talking points and sample letters to help with calling and emailing Councillors and staff before October 25 meeting. For more ideas and background...
Sep 29, 2021 | Boroondara Council, Climate Emergency, Local government
On the 27th of September 2021, at 10.38pm, after substantial debate, Boroondara Councillors passed a Climate Emergency Declaration motion 7 to 4. Councillors who voted in favour: Mayor Thompson, Cr Gault, Cr Addis, Cr Hollingsworth, Cr Biggar, Cr Franco, Cr Gilles...
Jun 27, 2021 | Boroondara Council, Climate Policy, Environmental law, Lighter Footprints Working Groups, Local government
Local Government Working Group The days when your local council was judged on the basis of “roads, rubbish and rates” have long passed. Local Government is now a significant third level of government in Australia with access to substantial authority and resources. ...
Nov 17, 2020 | Boroondara Council, Climate Emergency, Lighter Footprints Working Groups, Local government, Whitehorse Council
A challenging time to hold elections Now that we know what our local councils are going to look like after the recent local government elections, it is time to start considering how we work with them on the matters that are important to us. But first, let’s...
Oct 4, 2020 | Boroondara Council, Lighter Footprints Forum, Taking Action
Thank you to everyone who came along to our massive forum event! Over 300 Lighter Footprints supporters packed in to hear from candidates in the upcoming Boroondara council elections, as well as a rousing welcome from ABC star Craig Reucassel. You can watch a...
Sep 18, 2020 | Boroondara Council, Climate Policy, Lighter Footprints Events, Lighter Footprints Forum
Coming event September 30th Boroondara Council Candidates Forum Boroondara Council elections are happening in October. Often we know little about our Council candidates. To help you make an informed vote we are inviting all Council candidates to attend this forum so...
Aug 31, 2020 | Boroondara Council, Clean Energy, Climate Policy, Solutions, Taking Action
Overview Last Wednesday we welcomed a terrific panel to discuss climate solutions at a local government level. What are some best-practice programs and actions being implemented right now in Australia, and what are some of Boroondara City’s neighbors doing? This is...
Jul 29, 2020 | Boroondara Council, Climate Emergency, Climate Policy, Lighter Footprints Events
Boroondara Climate Action Plan Consultation – Complete the Survey Now! The City of Boroondara is developing a new Climate Action Plan that will guide Council’s climate action over the next ten years. The first phase of community consultation on...
Apr 5, 2020 | Boroondara Council, Clean Energy, Climate Emergency, Climate Policy, Lighter Footprints Working Groups, Solutions, Taking Action
It’s time to have our say. Local climate action is powerful! Would you like a more walkable city? Better public transport? Support for putting on solar and storage? Cleaner local power? It’s time to put our support behind the clean energy transition and...
Jan 23, 2020 | Boroondara Council, Climate Damage, Climate Emergency, Taking Action
Lighter Footprints has joined forces with other groups in the Kooyong Climate Change Alliance to work towards the City of Boroondara declaring a Climate Emergency. We have been petitioning the good people of Boroondara since October in shopping centres on Saturday...
Oct 10, 2016 | Boroondara Council, Taking Action
What more could our new Boroondara Council do to step up on the environment? Hear about what makes for best practice in local government. Meet your local Council candidates & ask them questions (all candidates from all 10 wards have been invited). Council...
May 26, 2016 | Boroondara Council, Solutions
Wed May 25 7 for 7.30 PM Guide Hall – Faversham Rd Canterbury “Where is Boroonadara headed with its Low Carbon Strategy to 2020?” Come and hear the early plans and provide input into this strategy. Speaker: Mathew Dixon Senior Sustainability...
Feb 15, 2016 | Boroondara Council, Taking Action
On Australia Day, Lighter Footprints Convenor, Carolyn Ingvarson, was named Boroondara Citizen of the Year for 2016. We congratulate Carolyn on receiving this honour which recognises her service to the Boroondara community and to the environment. From...
May 11, 2015 | Boroondara Council, Taking Action
Local citizens showed overwhelming support for much stronger Australian targets for cutting carbon emissions at our stall at St Paul’s Anglican Church Fair in Canterbury on Saturday 9 May. Fair-goers signed letters urging the Prime Minister Tony Abbott and local...
May 3, 2015 | Boroondara Council, Taking Action
Sunny weather brought families and local citizens to the Burwood Village festival on Saturday 2 May and to our Lighter Footprints stall where they inspected our solar thermal power plant model. They also signed letters in droves to Prime Minister Tony Abbott and...
Mar 23, 2015 | Boroondara Council, Taking Action
Lighter Footprint’s members turned out in force again on Saturday 21 March to run a stall at the Kew Festival. Our model of a solar thermal power station was once again a major highlight, attracting many families to our display where they learnt that heat stored...
May 4, 2014 | Boroondara Council, Taking Action
Fighting for more clean energy investment, rooftop solar, jobs and lower electricity bills at Burwood Festival Lighter Footprints continued its fight at the Burwood Festival on Saturday 3 May to protect and increase the amount of clean energy in Australia’s...
Mar 31, 2014 | Boroondara Council, Taking Action
Lighter Footprints was out in force at Kew Festival on 29 March gathering support for a stronger Renewable Energy Target and exhibiting our model of a solar thermal plant, which proved immensely popular with families Solar thermal power plants can operate at night as...
Feb 24, 2014 | Boroondara Council, Taking Action
Several of us were able to attend the Ashburton Festival on Sunday and demonstrate the BZE model of the Spanish solar thermal power station. It attracted much interest! We also had letters available for signing to our local Federal MP about supporting the Renewable...
Aug 19, 2013 | Boroondara Council, Taking Action