Apr 21, 2022 | fossil fuel subsidies
Expanding gas production in Australia mostly now means unconventional gas, from fracking or horizontal drilling. This photo shows coal seam gas wells in Queensland, where producers talk about eventually drilling 40,000 such wells, with detrimental effects on water and...
Apr 19, 2022 | Electrification
Introduction In his book, “The Big Switch- Australia’s electric future”, Saul Griffith tells us that he wrote this book because the world has a climate emergency and he, as an innovative engineer, wants passionately to help solve it. Benefits here would...
Apr 17, 2022 | Climate change, Overview
I hope that this op-ed will help readers understand the basics of climate change on planet Earth; the solutions for mitigating it; and inspire their passion for doing so. Background- our wonderful luck and responsibility in being part of Earth’s evolution of life Our...
Apr 16, 2022 | Climate change, Climate change and health, Health
Source: Lens, Monash University, “Bushfire smoke, air quality and the risk to your health” Health impacts of climate change are happening everywhere. It is happening now and is getting worse. The World Health Organisation has declared climate change to be...