Nov 27, 2009 | Climate Emergency, Climate Policy, Solutions
Past climate anomalies explained Lead paragraphs from the BBC story: “Unusually warm and cold periods in Earth’s pre-industrial climate history are linked to how the oceans responded to temperature changes, say scientists. The researchers focused...
Nov 2, 2009 | Taking Action
Walk Against Warming 12pm Saturday 12 December State Library, Swanston Street Walk Against Warming is Australia’s biggest day of community action on climate change. The Melbourne event will begin at 12pm, Saturday 12 December at the State Library, Swanston...
Nov 2, 2009 | Taking Action
Run for a Safe Climate 2pm Sunday 29 November St Kilda Sea Baths, St Kilda Run for a Safe Climate is a 6000 Kms run, from Cooktown to Melbourne. Twenty-five emergency workers, policemen and fireman, are running to raise awareness of the need for a strong government...