Jul 10, 2023 | Biodiversity, Climate change, Environmental law, Federal election, Kooyong, Monique Ryan, Politics
Dr Monique Ryan MP was elected to Parliament on 21 May 2022. She rode a teal wave of optimism for action on climate change, integrity in government and gender equality. A full house at the Balwyn Park Centre came to hear Dr Ryan’s reflections on her first year...
Apr 14, 2023 | Biodiversity, Carbon, Climate Policy, Communicating climate change, IPCC
IPCC Webinars Lighter Footprints is pleased to share two recordings of recent webinars on the latest IPCC Synthesis Report and Summary for Policymakers released 20 March 2023. This is perhaps the most important synthesis report in the IPCC cycle because the next one...
Mar 24, 2023 | Biodiversity, Carbon, Land gap, Land use, Safeguard Mechanism
What’s wrong with land-based offsets? The important Land Gap Report gives a definitive, quantitative ‘no’ to reliance on land-based offsets given that offsets: take up too much land – Cumulative land-based solutions would add up to 1,200 million hectares...
Mar 6, 2023 | Biodiversity, Carbon, Carbon credits, Carbon markets, Carbon offsets, Indigenous, Land gap
Image source and acknowledgement: The Land Gap report The pressure on land in carbon dioxide removal In response to climate change, governments are increasingly relying on land for carbon dioxide removal. This is particularly true in Australia, notorious for its use...
Aug 26, 2022 | Biodiversity, Boroondara Council, Climate Policy, Planning
Canopy tree and climate change in Boroondara. Why should we be concerned? Benefits of Canopy Trees Whether in public spaces or on private land, trees enhance our sense of well-being, help reduce the urban heat island effect and support biodiversity. Canopy trees cool...
Jun 22, 2022 | Biodiversity, Climate change, Forests
The Bill has passed the Upper House. It was proposed by Mary-Anne Thomas, Minister for Health, (03) 8392 2261 on reception.thomas@minstaff.vic.gov.au or mary-anne.thomas@parliament.vic.gov.au, Electorate Office (03) 5428 2138. With proposed legislation that includes...
Aug 28, 2021 | Biodiversity, Bushfire, Carbon, Climate Damage, Forests, Indigenous
The Great Forest National Park, worth fighting for with Dr Chris Taylor and Sarah Rees You can also download Dr Chris Taylor’s slides here, Sarah Rees slides here, watch the event again on Youtube or Facebook Live, read more about our presenters here, and check...
Jan 7, 2021 | Biodiversity, Bushfire, Climate Damage
This blog relates the story of bushfires in Australia, revisits Australia’s disastrous 2019-2020 bushfires, and makes connections with the numerous reports and resources that have followed. The Royal Commissions Federal and NSW) The report of the Royal...
Nov 1, 2020 | Biodiversity, Carbon, Court action, Environmental law, Environmental protection, Forests, Legal action, Taking Action
Forests store amazing amounts of carbon The amount of carbon stored in the world’s forests is more than the carbon stored in fossil fuel reserves and more than the total carbon added to the atmosphere as a consequence of human activities in the last 150 years....
Oct 11, 2020 | Biodiversity, Climate Emergency, Habitable zone, Protecting The Natural World
A brilliant talk: If you only listen to one talk about climate change, this should be it. Johan Rockström is a distinguished and awarded global environmental scientist and a diligent debater of climate issues. He has been appointed “The most powerful environmental...
Sep 11, 2020 | Biodiversity, Carbon, Environmental law, Environmental protection, Forests, Lighter Footprints Events, Protecting The Natural World
Coming event 28 Oct 2020 RSVP here to find out more about protecting our forests BREAKING 1: VicForests has lodged an appeal VicForests has lodged an appeal and is seeking to overturn Justice Mortimer’s ruling in the recent landmark Federal Court case protecting 66...
Aug 27, 2020 | Biodiversity, Clean Energy, Climate Damage, Environmental protection, Gas, Submission, Taking Action
Example of an LNG tanker ship next to a floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU). Both are approximately 300 metres long Lighter Footprints joined Environment Victoria, Save Westernport Bay and other organisations to protest against the proposed AGL Gas Import...