Apr 25, 2021 | Clean Energy, Climate Damage, Communicating climate change
Did you know the first #EarthDay was held in 1970? Sustainability expert and John Curtin Distinguished Professor Peter Newman reflects on what’s changed and what still needs to be done to address climate change by 2050. Peter Newman is the Professor of Sustainability...
Apr 17, 2021 | Climate Policy, Paris commitment
Can Biden shift Australia’s climate approach? By Carolyn Ingvarson – Founder of Lighter Footprints It goes without saying that the US is a very powerful influence on Australia. Formal relations are strong, like the ANZUS Treaty, the Free Trade Agreement, and...
Apr 16, 2021 | Gas, Lighter Footprints Events, Taking Action
An event wrap-up:- for further info, please contact Mick Nolan or David Strang (‘Energy Transition Group’) At our March 25 meeting, we were pleased and privileged to have Tony Wood from the Grattan Institute and Bruce Mountain from the Victorian...
Apr 16, 2021 | Lighter Footprints Working Groups, Planning, Taking Action
A report from Myf Parker On Sunday 28th February 2021, 17 of our committed Lighter Footprints members met together at the Canterbury Guide Hall to plan for the upcoming year. Our meeting was wonderfully facilitated by Joan Staples, who is the current chair of Market...