Point of clarification

Point of clarification about the imputation that Lighter Footprints, by association, is behind the Section 44 claim against Josh Frydenberg. For the record, Lighter Footprints is a long standing local climate action group in the Kooyong and adjacent electorates....

Membership of Lighter Footprints

This article outlines the ways in which one can participate in Lighter Footprints. We refer to participants as ‘members’ although there is no formal membership scheme or other requirements. 1. Lighter Footprints Action Group Members of this group...

Welcome to our new website

Today (Christmas Day 2008) we fully launch our new look website for Lighter Footprints. It is built on Google’s ‘Blogspot’ platform, so essentially it’s a blog which has been adapted and customised to our needs. Thanks go to Peter Campbell for...