Apr 21, 2022 | fossil fuel subsidies
Expanding gas production in Australia mostly now means unconventional gas, from fracking or horizontal drilling. This photo shows coal seam gas wells in Queensland, where producers talk about eventually drilling 40,000 such wells, with detrimental effects on water and...
Jul 9, 2021 | Environmental protection, fossil fuel subsidies, Gas, National campaigns
The case against Australia’s gas expansion 1) The Australian government is banking on a tax payer funded ‘gas-fired recovery’ The government has put its 5 Basin gas-fired recovery plan as central to its economic vision for exports, ignoring industry...
Jun 23, 2021 | Climate Emergency, Economics, fossil fuel subsidies, fossil fuel tax receipts, Gas
There is a perception that the Australian people benefit greatly from the oil, gas and petroleum industries. Yet, our government gives substantially more to Big Oil and Big Gas by way of grants and subsidies than it collects in taxes. Little wonder it is difficult to...