
Gas Wrap-up and Next Steps

Gas Wrap-up and Next Steps

July's meeting looked at Australia's relationship with fossil gas at two scales, firstly, at a mega scale, looking at national and Victorian gas expansion plans with Friends of the Earth legendary campaigner Cam Walker, and secondly in our own backyard where energy...

Getting out on there on the streets!

Getting out on there on the streets!

Lighter Footprints is getting out on the streets! Together with our friends at the Kooyong Climate Change Alliance we will be holding street stalls on Saturday mornings, in shopping centres around Boroondara.  We will be providing high quality information about making...

Join the resistance – to gas

Join the resistance – to gas

The case against Australia's gas expansion 1) The Australian government is banking on a tax payer funded 'gas-fired recovery' The government has put its 5 Basin gas-fired recovery plan as central to its economic vision for exports, ignoring industry forecasts and...

Community battery meeting wrap

Community battery meeting wrap

At our June 30 meeting, we were pleased and privileged to have Greg Hannan from CitiPower/United Energy and Chris Wallin from the Yarra Energy Foundation (YEF) addressing the role of community batteries and Yarra's current community battery project. A recording of the...

Community Battery Challenges

Community Battery Challenges

This discussion paper focuses on challenges that face community batteries in the eastern states National Electricity Market.

Local Government Working Group, and what we do

Local Government Working Group, and what we do

Local Government Working Group The days when your local council was judged on the basis of “roads, rubbish and rates” have long passed.  Local Government is now a significant third level of government in Australia with access to substantial authority and resources. ...

We need a renewable-energy future for the sake of our kids

We need a renewable-energy future for the sake of our kids

Woodside’s intent to develop its Scarborough gas reservoir is deeply at odds with its commitment to net-zero by 2050 and the company’s stated imperative to act on climate change. Contrary to comments made by Woodside’s acting chief executive Meg O’Neill recently on...

Pizza, conversations and climate – May meeting wrap

Pizza, conversations and climate – May meeting wrap

Lighter Footprints Co-Convenor Mick Nolan was very pleased that we were all finally able to meet together in person. "It was so good to get out to the Guide Hall and speak to people face to face." "The C4C event was a buzz!" said Alison Wright, enjoying meeting...

Methane: Many times worse than carbon dioxide

Methane: Many times worse than carbon dioxide

Natural gas is not a clean option The 29 May episode of the Science Show on Radio National features Peter Newman, Professor of Sustainability at Curtin University. "Natural gas has been touted as a clean transition fuel as we move away from coal towards renewables to...

School Strike for Climate – Fund Our Future Not Gas.

School Strike for Climate – Fund Our Future Not Gas.

Tens of thousands of school kids and their supporters gathered at Treasury Gardens yesterday, Friday 21st and in 47 other places around the country, demanding a future that is liveable, not one ruined by climate damage. This was the first strike after the pandemic...

Build your confidence. Climate Conversations with Climate for Change.

Build your confidence. Climate Conversations with Climate for Change.

Are you a bit nervous about talking about climate to friends and workmates, especially to those who seem to be doubtful, worried or disengaged? Climate for Change (C4C) have been pioneering an award winning conversation format that really works. We met at The Marwal...

Stunning lineup at Lighter Footprints Music Benefit at the Gaso

Stunning lineup at Lighter Footprints Music Benefit at the Gaso

Music for climate at the Gasometer Hotel A packed Gaso Hotel was treated to 5 very impressive performers last Thursday night. The night was billed as an Earth Fest benefit with proceeds going to climate action group, Lighter Footprints. What a night!   We review the 5...

Climate Targets & Tariffs: Australia on the World Stage

Climate Targets & Tariffs: Australia on the World Stage

At our April 28 meeting, we were pleased and privileged to have Glen Klatovsky from Climate Action Network Australia (CANA) and Richie Merzian from The Australia Institute (TAI) addressing climate targets and tariffs shortly after the Biden Climate summit. Check out...

Earth Fest this Thurs 6: Lighter Footprints benefit at the Gaso!

Earth Fest this Thurs 6: Lighter Footprints benefit at the Gaso!

It's on this Thursday 6th May - doors open at the iconic Gasometer Hotel, Collingwood at 7pm, with a stunning lineup of some of Melbourne's best young talent, in a benefit concert to support local climate action. We are delighted to invite you to 'Earth Fest’, a music...

Earth Day – then and now

Earth Day – then and now

Did you know the first #EarthDay was held in 1970? Sustainability expert and John Curtin Distinguished Professor Peter Newman reflects on what’s changed and what still needs to be done to address climate change by 2050. Peter Newman is the Professor of Sustainability...

The Biden Effect

The Biden Effect

Can Biden shift Australia’s climate approach? By Carolyn Ingvarson - Founder of Lighter Footprints It goes without saying that the US is a very powerful influence on Australia. Formal relations are strong, like the ANZUS Treaty, the Free Trade Agreement, and NATO. As...

Gas led recovery event blog

Gas led recovery event blog

An event wrap-up:-  for further info, please contact  Mick Nolan or David Strang ('Energy Transition Group')   At our March 25 meeting, we were pleased and privileged to have Tony Wood from the Grattan Institute and Bruce Mountain from the Victorian Energy Policy...

Lighter Footprints Planning Day 2021

Lighter Footprints Planning Day 2021

A report from Myf Parker On Sunday 28th February 2021, 17 of our committed Lighter Footprints members met together at the Canterbury Guide Hall to plan for the upcoming year. Our meeting was wonderfully facilitated by Joan Staples, who is the current chair of Market...

A night with our current State MPs (Nov 2020 belated blog)

A night with our current State MPs (Nov 2020 belated blog)

“Reflections and Hopes: Getting to know our local State MPs”  Thank you to everyone who came along to our State MP forum event last November. And special thanks to John Kennedy MP (Hawthorn), Paul Hamer MP (Box Hill), and Will Fowles MP (Burwood) for making themselves...

No AGL for Westernport: an open letter to Richard Wynne

No AGL for Westernport: an open letter to Richard Wynne

Open Letter to The Hon Richard Wynne, MLA for Richmond, Victoria. Minister for Planning. AGL’s proposed gas import terminal is completely at odds with jobs, the Victorian Government’s emissions reduction targets, and a clean energy future. Dear Mr Wynne, There has...

