
Clean energy and VoteClimate in Chisholm!

Clean energy and VoteClimate in Chisholm!

Chisholm Federal seat is so quiet on climate and creating clean jobs  With a razor thin margin of 0.57%, the Chisholm Federal Seat  is poised on a knife edge. Chisholm is probably one of a the critical seats where a win for a climate candidate could have a very...

Reasons to Vote Climate

Reasons to Vote Climate

HERE ARE FOUR A strong economy needs a healthy climate Climate change is a serious health issue Climate change is a security issue Life on Earth depends upon a healthy climate CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE ECONOMY Good management of the economy requires good management of...

Joint Statement on Victoria Getting Off Fossil Gas

Joint Statement on Victoria Getting Off Fossil Gas

Victoria is due to release its Gas Substitution Roadmap by the end of the year. A number of climate focused organisations, including Lighter Footprints, have issued a Joint Statement on Victoria Getting Off Fossil Gas. The Lighter Footprints MP engagement group is...

#VoteClimate action!

#VoteClimate action!

Australia has been awarded yet another Colossal Fossil, this time at Glasgow, for "appalling performance" on climate. Although moving away from fossil fuels was mentioned in a COP statement for the first time, Australia has helped to water down the text, opposing...

Solar Advantage

Solar Advantage

So what are the benefits of using solar power and just how can you get started? This short article will help you with these questions. You can also check out Yarra Energy Foundation's great summary page on solar here, Interested in a clear summary? Watch Peter...

Areas for State climate action

Areas for State climate action

Going it Alone! What States can do for Climate Action The Hon. Lily D'Ambrosio, Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change gave a presentation on State climate action, opportunities and challenges. This was followed by a panel discussion with Simon Holmes a...

Meet Our Community

Meet Our Community

Writer Matilda Bowra, photographer Julian Meehan and IT expert Simon Grosser worked to together to create profiles of the Lighter Footprints community members. Many thanks to Matilda, Julian and Simon for putting together the Community Climate Action page which...

Helping to resource Boroondara’s Climate Action Plan

Helping to resource Boroondara’s Climate Action Plan

This is our chance to support increased funds for Boroondara’s Climate Action Plan  This guide offers you some quick talking points and sample letters to help with calling and emailing Councillors and staff before October 25 meeting. For more ideas and background...

Boroondara has just passed a Climate Emergency Declaration!

Boroondara has just passed a Climate Emergency Declaration!

On the 27th of September 2021, at 10.38pm, after substantial debate, Boroondara Councillors passed a Climate Emergency Declaration motion 7 to 4. Councillors who voted in favour: Mayor Thompson, Cr Gault, Cr Addis, Cr Hollingsworth, Cr Biggar, Cr Franco, Cr Gilles...

Putting on Solar – Lighter Footprints Solar Stories

Putting on Solar – Lighter Footprints Solar Stories

Rooftop Solar PV is now very affordable, reducing your energy bills and lowering your carbon emissions However, for many people wanting to install solar, they often face difficulty in deciding the type and size of solar rooftop installation or finding a reputable...

Lobbying for Australia to step up on climate ambition

Lobbying for Australia to step up on climate ambition

Australia's climate ambition has been judged the worst in the UN Australia took an empty promise of net zero in 29 years to Glasgow, with no modelling, new actions or legislation, while platforming Santos at COP26. Despite international pressure, Australia has not...

Boroondara’s New Climate Action Plan

Boroondara’s New Climate Action Plan

Boroondara passes the Climate Action Plan and a Climate Emergency Declaration Boroondara’s new Climate Action Plan was unanimously passed by Boroondara Councillors on 27th September. The briefing notes note community-wide emissions reduction targets of 60% by 2030,...

Protecting Victoria’s Forests

Protecting Victoria’s Forests

The Great Forest National Park, worth fighting for with Dr Chris Taylor and Sarah Rees You can also download Dr Chris Taylor's slides here, Sarah Rees slides here, watch the event again on Youtube or Facebook Live, read more about our presenters here, and check our...

Act now or face the consequences

Act now or face the consequences

For far too long politicians and voters have avoided taking climate action because it is difficult or because they can leave it to future generations. The “too hard” option is now the only option.  Massive change is already taking place. We must take immediate action...

Gas Wrap-up and Next Steps

Gas Wrap-up and Next Steps

July's meeting looked at Australia's relationship with fossil gas at two scales, firstly, at a mega scale, looking at national and Victorian gas expansion plans with Friends of the Earth legendary campaigner Cam Walker, and secondly in our own backyard where energy...

Getting out on there on the streets!

Getting out on there on the streets!

Lighter Footprints is getting out on the streets! Together with our friends at the Kooyong Climate Change Alliance we will be holding street stalls on Saturday mornings, in shopping centres around Boroondara.  We will be providing high quality information about making...

Join the resistance – to gas

Join the resistance – to gas

The case against Australia's gas expansion 1) The Australian government is banking on a tax payer funded 'gas-fired recovery' The government has put its 5 Basin gas-fired recovery plan as central to its economic vision for exports, ignoring industry forecasts and...

Community battery meeting wrap

Community battery meeting wrap

At our June 30 meeting, we were pleased and privileged to have Greg Hannan from CitiPower/United Energy and Chris Wallin from the Yarra Energy Foundation (YEF) addressing the role of community batteries and Yarra's current community battery project. A recording of the...

Community Battery Challenges

Community Battery Challenges

This discussion paper focuses on challenges that face community batteries in the eastern states National Electricity Market.

Local Government Working Group, and what we do

Local Government Working Group, and what we do

Local Government Working Group The days when your local council was judged on the basis of “roads, rubbish and rates” have long passed.  Local Government is now a significant third level of government in Australia with access to substantial authority and resources. ...

We need a renewable-energy future for the sake of our kids

We need a renewable-energy future for the sake of our kids

Woodside’s intent to develop its Scarborough gas reservoir is deeply at odds with its commitment to net-zero by 2050 and the company’s stated imperative to act on climate change. Contrary to comments made by Woodside’s acting chief executive Meg O’Neill recently on...

