Writer Matilda Bowra, photographer Julian Meehan and IT expert Simon Grosser worked to together to create profiles of the Lighter Footprints community members. Many thanks to Matilda, Julian and Simon for putting together the Community Climate Action page which contains these profiles and to our community members for further photography during lockdown. We hope you enjoy reading about Lighter Footprinters! 

Are you concerned about climate change and wondering what you can do about it?

You are not alone.

Visit our new Community Climate Action page to meet some members of our community and learn what motivates them and what they are doing with Lighter Footprints.

Our latest community profiles include:

Sarah Brennan from Hawthorn East

Close up of Sarah Brennan from Hawthorn East

Sarah Brennan

“Being a young person, I am really concerned about climate change and how it will affect my future.” Read Sarah’s story here.

Mick Nolan from Kew East

Mick Nolan cycling

Mick Nolan

“Action is the antidote to demoralisation. Everyone at times is prone to feeling dejected, disempowered, frustrated or despondent. It’s a natural human instinct. The antidote is to work with others, to become active. The very nature of taking positive action counters all those other emotions.” Read Mick’s story here.

Griet Thijs from Glen Iris

Griet Thijs cycling with her family

Griet Thijs

“There are massive issues that weigh on you, but bearing it together makes it a bit lighter. It feels good to be doing something rather than waiting for others to do it for you. I don’t have to justify to my kids that I let other people solve the problem that I helped create.” Read Griet’s story here.

Carolyn Ingvarson from Canterbury

Carolyn Ingvarson- gardening and sustainabile water use

Carolyn Ingvarson

“Climate change strikes at your very heart as it’s about the life and death of the planet and you’re watching what’s happening and experiencing this very deep fear for the earth’s inhabitants and the legacy for your children and grandchildren.” Read Carolyn’s story here.

Russell Williams from Glen Iris

Russell Williams making a climate contribution with his electric vehicle

Russell Williams

“Getting together with a bunch of like-minded people is important. My preference is not standing on street corners and handing out leaflets, protesting or writing letters to the editor. I prefer to use my engineering and business experience to change the system from within.” Read Russell’s story here.

Lynn Frankes from Kew

Lynn Frankes worked hard to acheive a Climate Emergency Declaration in Boroondara

Lynn Frankes

“We need systemic change and that means we need our governments to act. It’s essential we work together to achieve this. Democracy is not a spectator sport, and if you value your democracy, you have to be part of it and that means stepping up and making your voice heard.”  Read Lynn’s story here.

Read their full stories are on our Community Climate Action page.

If you are interested in meeting like-minded people and learning what you can do to realise a clean energy future, come join our community. Everyone is welcome.

We suggest you start by signing up to our Newsletter (on our community page or front page) or visit our Take Action page to learn about Lighter Footprints activities and working groups.