Burwood Festival 2016

 Burwood Festival stall – May 1 2016 Hundreds of local people have signed letters to Malcolm Turnbull and other federal politicians urging faster action on global warming in a last ditch attempt to protect the Great Barrier Reef. Lighter Footprints collected the...
Rally to save CSIRO Jobs

Rally to save CSIRO Jobs

Lighter Footprints joined with hundreds of others to protest at the cuts to CSIRO research, especially the climate division. Lighter Footprints has also been out and about at local festivals in Ashburton, Glenferrie and Kew collecting hundreds of letters signed by...
Engaging communities – Cam Walker

Engaging communities – Cam Walker

Wednesday November 25 7 for 7.30 Guide Hall – Faversham Rd Canterbury Cam Walker Campaign Coordinator, Friends of the Earth Everything old is new again: Engaging with communities for change.  For the past twenty years, Cam has worked extensively with FoE...

Conversations with the community

Wed August 27 7 for 7.30 pm Guide Hall – Faversham Rd Canterbury Conversations with our local community. We will be having a discussion with two members of Borderlands about what could be an on-going basis for working with others in our local community, or just...

Here comes 2014!

What have we planned for Feb 2014? You might think that February would be a quiet month but we are starting the year with a bang!  Here are our proposed events: 1. Saturday 15 Feb  – Sustainable Festival in Boroondara – 8am to 1 pm – Auburn Rd,...

Beat the Heat – national day of climate action

SUNDAY RALLY- NOVEMBER 17, 11 am Treasury Place Melb. In 2011 Australia faced a turning point. Climate scientists warned it was the beginning of the critical decade for climate change and stronger action was needed if we were to avoid the catastrophic effects of...