Wednesday November 25

7 for 7.30 Guide Hall – Faversham Rd


Cam Walker

Campaign Coordinator, Friends of the Earth

Everything old is new again: Engaging with communities for change. 

For the past twenty years, Cam has worked extensively with FoE International in Latin America, Europe and Africa, but for the past five years he has focused on community campaigning in regional Victoria.  He will discuss several recent significant and successful campaigns which highlight ‘old’ ways for ‘new’ issues!

You will be amazed! 

Come to meet people and for some food and drinks at 7 pm, followed by the presentation with questions, and a refreshment break at 8.30 pm.  After the break, a discussion of  the latest political scene and upcoming events, and on this occasion our intentions for the incorporation of the organisation. Focus on  the BIg March on Fri Nov 27th at 5.30 State Library (see below).

Join us for an engaging evening of discussion.

All welcome.

Gold coin donation.