Feb 27, 2009 | Boroondara Council, Climate Damage, Climate Emergency, Solutions, Taking Action
New Boroondara mayor says no to hybrid Boroondara councillor Coral Ross handed over the mayoral chain of office to councillor Jack Wegman in Dec 2008. Cr Ross had, during her term as mayor, and in line with the council’s public line on sustainability, adopted...
Jan 27, 2009 | Taking Action
These are the Key Strategies of Lighter Footprints. 1. Analyse opportunities and set clear priorities from our lists of projects. Communicate them to our ‘supporters’. Research which groups are ‘leading edge’ in priority areas and join with...
Jan 25, 2009 | Taking Action
Originally sent as an email to our members. And here we go for what promises to be a very interesting and important year ahead for ‘Climate changers’! Our first commitment of the year begins on Feb 4 with our first monthly meeting – (First Wednesday...
Jan 24, 2009 | Boroondara Council, Taking Action
BSN was founded in late 2008. Heinz Kreutz (who also happens to be a Boroondara City councillor) called for expressions of interest from local residents, with the aim of promoting greater sustainability. This is an independent group, not linked with the Boroondara...
Dec 23, 2008 | Letters, Taking Action
“Silence equals acceptance. Speak Out” Once again, Lighter Footprints took to the streets of Boroondara. This time, 5-6pm, 23 Dec at Camberwell Junction. Again raising local awareness of climate change, this time with a message to contact PM Rudd and...
Dec 15, 2008 | Taking Action
Rudd locks in 5pc emissions cut (By ABC correspondent Emma Rodgers) Audio: Wong – you can’t please everyone (AM) Related Story: Wong announces $1.4b climate change fund Related Story: Miners warn against EU-style emissions cuts “Prime Minister Kevin...
Dec 2, 2008 | Climate Emergency, Taking Action
A couple of weeks ago some of us helped to spell out a human sign in the Alexandra Gardens. Thousands of people dressed in red made up two words – CLIMATE EMERGENCY. Where is this emergency you might ask? Surely an over-statement, from a bunch of self-interested...
Mar 5, 2008 | Taking Action
Lighter Footprints held it’s first (and highly successful!) planning day on Sunday February 17, 2008. Above is a photo of some of those who attended. We will send our new members more info on strategy & plans in the coming days, thank you for being part of...