Originally sent as an email to our members.

And here we go for what promises to be a very interesting and important year ahead for ‘Climate changers’!

  • Our first commitment of the year begins on Feb 4 with our first monthly meeting – (First Wednesday of the month) It is at 15 Faversham Rd Canterbury at 7.45 pm. Some of us will have travelled to Canberra for the Australian Climate Action Summit Jan 31 to Feb 3. This will include a public action on Tuesday Feb 3 to surround Parliament House in Canberra. I will attach the program for the 4 days fro those of you who might still be able to make it. There are also a couple of spots in a car still available. let me know if you are interested.
  • Our second February commitment is to attend the Sustainable Living Festival when we can, and offer support to the Climate Emergency Network (CEN) to help out with their stall. This is on from Friday 13 to Sunday 15 February. The CEN is asking fro volunteers fro two hour slots on any of the three days. If you can help out in this very big and significant event, then that would be very much appreciated – and if you let me know soon please, I will pass this on to the organisers.
  • Our third (and most important in my view) commitment in February is to our strategic planning afternoon which is on Sunday 22 February – and I am hoping to confirm soon that it is on at the Surrey Hills Neighbourhood Centre. ( If not I will let you know where it is). It will start with lunch at 12 pm and finish at 5 pm. I attach a proposed agenda put together yesterday by Rowan McClean and myself for your comment. Rowan has very kindly agreed to facilitate this planning session so I know it will be and excellent occasion and one you will be pleased to have been part of. It would be helpful to let me know if you can come to this as I will be making the lunch!
  • Also by the end of February we will be using our Topica mailing list ACTIONS not the Lighterfootprints members list, so that those who have not joined it by then will no longer be in touch with us by email. We are very keen not to lose you because you inadvertently fell off the list, so do let us know if you want to remain and as yet you are not on the Topica list. You can check if you are registered with Topica because you will have received this email twice – (or if you are also on the News group – then 3 times!) Do check out our website/blog for how to join our email lists. www.lighterfootprints.org

I also include [a link to] the latest readings from Climate Equity once again the most up to date information you can get to keep on top of the science and the political journalism from around the world. A summary of events is also below, and a more detailed and wider ranging listing in the climate action calendar is also attached.

Regards, and contact me for any further information – there are many other events which may be of interest to you from the Calendars (-like Feb 14 Sustainability Convergence meeting which some of us will attend).

A summary list of important upcoming events is available here.

Carolyn Ingvarson
Lighter Footprints