Nov 23 – Submission in response to the Future Gas Strategy consultation paper Key messages Our federal, state and territory work together and develop some policies that will lead to emissions reductions that will support the achievement of climate targets including a plan for Australia to transition off gas. Australia stops approving any new coal or gas […]
Oct 23 – Submission to the ‘Community Engagement Review’ regarding renewable energy infrastructure and planning, developing and operating energy infrastructure to benefit communities, landowners and First Nations peoples Key messages De-carbonisation of the electricity grid can ill-afford delays. Timing for new Transmission is currently not properly weighted in the AEMO Multi-criteria Assessments (MAC’s). Consider alternatives when contemplating […]
Sep 23 – Federal submission on Residential Electrification to the Senate Economics Reference Committee Key messages There is no time to waste. Don’t let perfection be the enemy of progress. Residential electrification / efficiency can be accelerated by action at Federal, State, Local Governments and community groups.
May 23 – Submission to the Federal Department of Infrastructure, transport and vehicle Key messages FES needs to be applied to all new vehicles, with light vehicles (GVM of 3.5t and lower – MA, NA, MC) ASAP and trucks, buses, and heavier vehicles to follow, FES should be the mechanism of the initial transition, ahead of bringing […]
May 23 – Submission to the Essential Services Commission – Review of the Gas Distribution Code of Practice Key messages Reduce barriers to transitioning to electricity, require new customers to pay for their eventual disconnection, Review Unaccounted for Gas.
Feb 23 – Submission on Safeguard mechanism Key messages Submission on the basis that, firstly our total opposition to new gas and coal be noted, secondly, that the Safeguard Mechanism (SM) legislation be written in such a way that new gas and coal cannot impact the existing non-gas, non-coal entities. And thirdly, that the gas and coal […]
Oct 22 – Submission to the Federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water on the proposed National Electric Vehicle Strategy Key messages Support strict, monitored and enforced fuel efficiency standards, see the need for coordination between state and federal governments.
Submission to the Senate Environment and Communications References Committee Inquiry into oil and gas exploration and production in the Beetaloo Basin
We, at Lighter Footprints, have serious reservations about the approach proposed in the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Standards and Assurance) Bill 2021 to the negotiation and content of the bilateral agreements and the monitoring of their implementation. We recommend that the Bill include: a provision that any subsequent review of the National Environment […]
A submission by Lighter Footprints to the market conduct division of Treasury related to making permanent reforms to virtual meetings and electronic communications, particularly AGMs. Submitted on the 30th October 2020.
A submission by Lighter Footprints to the Senate Select Committee on Covid-19 on the 28th May 2020.
Lighter Footprints submission to the Inquiry by the Senate Select Committee on COVID-19
A submission by Lighter Footprints to the Australian Renewable Energy Agency made 10 June 2020 regarding the role the bioenergy sector can play in accelerating Australia’s energy transition. We support the intention behind these consultations in that we recognise the need to investigate all possibilities that can contribute to Australia reducing its carbon emissions to […]
A submission by Lighter Footprints to the Independent Review of the EPBC Act made April 2020.
This booklet contains submissions that Lighter Footprints has made to reviews and inquiries by Governments at the Federal, State and local levels from July 2018 to July 2019.
Thank you to the Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee for the opportunity to contribute to your examination of the proposed bill by Senator Larissa Waters which is intended to prohibit constitutional corporations within the meaning of section 51 (xx) of the Constitution from mining for thermal coal within the Galilee Basin in Queensland.
Submission on the Draft Design Consultation Paper: The National Energy Guarantee that the Energy Security Board released on 15 February 2018. The Consultation Paper is designed to gather feedback that will used in preparing a draft, high level design paper for distribution to all energy ministers in mid April.
Thank you to the Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee for the opportunity to contribute to your examination of the proposed bill by Senator Larissa Waters which is intended to make amendments to the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
Submission to the Ministerial Forum on Vehicle Emissions Improving the efficiency of new light vehicles Draft Regulation Impact Statement.
Submission to the inquiry by the Environment and Communications References Committee into the retirement of coal fired power stations. This report outlines the case for closure of Australia’s Eastern States coal fired power stations and presents a view of what a coordinated and comprehensive policy framework would be. The various available technologies that can be […]