Resource Topic: Clean Energy Transition

Checklist – David Coote


David Coote has developed the questionnaire below after working for some time with residential clients electrifying their houses. Answering these questions can help people focus on what they want from their house energy systems. Considering the following questions before contacting a home energy/comfort assessor or energy advisor may help achieve a positive outcome.

Minimum Standards for Rental Properties and Rooming Houses


Lighter Footprints supports the proposed minimum standards for Rental Properties and Rooming Houses and encourages the State Government to help low-income home owners to improve the thermal efficiency of their homes. Lighter Footprints also encourages the State Government to talk to the Federal Government about linking tax incentives for landlords to the condition of rental […]

Gas System Code of Practice


Dec 23 – Response to the ESC’s draft Gas System Code of Practice Key messages Support for making new gas customers pay for the full cost of connection. Provision of information and reporting requirements to better inform the transition. Allowing customers to leave the network if they do not want hydrogen in their homes. The […]

Residential Electrification


Sep 23 – Federal submission on Residential Electrification to the Senate Economics Reference Committee Key messages There is no time to waste. Don’t let perfection be the enemy of progress. Residential electrification / efficiency can be accelerated by action at Federal, State, Local Governments and community groups.

Fuel Efficiency Standards


May 23 – Submission to the Federal Department of Infrastructure, transport and vehicle Key messages FES needs to be applied to all new vehicles, with light vehicles (GVM of 3.5t and lower – MA, NA, MC) ASAP and trucks, buses, and heavier vehicles to follow, FES should be the mechanism of the initial transition, ahead of bringing […]

Victoria’s Offshore Wind Policy (LF Submission 28/06/22)


Submission to Vic Govt for “Victoria’s Offshore Wind Policy Directions Paper”: LINK:>>  LF submission – offshore wind policy 28th Jun 2022 The Victorian Government has recently committed to a 2032 offshore wind target for Victoria of at least 2GW, aiming for first power by 2028. It has also set targets to reach 4GW of offshore […]

75 by 2030: Civil Society Joint Statement on Climate Ambition


“all Australian federal political parties should be pursuing a science-based target of 75% pollution reduction by 2030, with a just and fair national plan to rapidly slash climate pollution across our economy this decade” from this joint statement from civil society organisations via climate peak body Climate Action Network Australia of which Lighter Footprints is […]