Bioenergy Roadmap 10 June 2020

Organisation: Lighter Footprints

Author: Joy Mettam and Carolyn Ingvarson

Release Date: 10/06/2020


A submission by Lighter Footprints to the Australian Renewable Energy Agency made 10 June 2020 regarding the role the bioenergy sector can play in accelerating Australia’s energy transition.

We support the intention behind these consultations in that we recognise the need to investigate all possibilities that can contribute to Australia reducing its carbon emissions to zero as quickly as possible. The use of biomass from a range of organic products including sugar cane waste has merit, and should examined to ensure these products have both no negative environmental impact and a sound economic base.

We are, however, opposed to any proposal to include waste generated by the forestry sector, especially that from native forests as a source of biomass to generate energy.