These are the Key Strategies of Lighter Footprints.
1. Analyse opportunities and set clear priorities from our lists of projects.
- Communicate them to our ‘supporters’.
- Research which groups are ‘leading edge’ in priority areas and join with them.
2. Contribute to the development of the coalition of climate groups (“convergence”) in Victoria and then Australia.
3. Compile a skills inventory and consider which supplementary resources are needed and how to access them.
4. Use action plans to control projects and drive implementation.
5. Develop an extensive database.
- Distribute a monthly LF e-newsletter.
- Mount an active, attractive website.
Our Mission statement describes what we are setting out to achieve.
Lighter Footprints aims to influence national, State and local decision makers and Australian citizens to take action in priority focus areas to halt global warming as a matter of urgency.
Our ‘Vision’ is what we want the group to be like and to have achieved by 2010.
A six month action plan will outline projects and actions to be investigated for possible implementation that will take us towards achieving the vision.
Lighter Footprints is a local Climate Action Group which aims to be a leader in stimulating action to ensure a safe climate future, influencing a paradigm shift in the attitudes and opinions of the community and all levels of government. To do so it will construct links with the community, support the formation of new groups and be active in significant projects that are moving with urgency to prevent a global catastrophe.