Mar 27, 2020 | Speaker Slides & Presentations, Taking Action
This Wednesday thirty brave members logged on to Lighter’s Footprint’s first all-Zoom meeting. Thanks so much to the participants, who are now familiarised with Zoom’s basic functions. We are looking forward to our next Zoom with Environment...
Mar 21, 2020 | Solutions, Taking Action
On Sunday afternoon February 15, a small number of us met to hear more about the recently agreed strategic plan for 2020 and to look at how we might begin to work together in actions that would work towards achieving the aims. With the growing situation of the...
Mar 9, 2020 | Climate Emergency, Climate Policy, Lighter Footprints Working Groups, Solutions, Taking Action
Energy Transition Working Group The Energy Transitions Group meets fortnightly with a focus on pulling together energy data, latest innovations and submissions to government and making climate solutions accessible to a variety of audiences. Please contact Mick Nolan...
Mar 3, 2020 | Clean Energy, Solutions, Taking Action
Last Wednesday 26 Feb Simon Holmes á Court offered us a terrific preview of the year ahead in climate solutions and collective action with over 100 captive audience members. So what did we learn? Where’s the climate heading? The latest projections indicate we’re...
Jan 23, 2020 | Boroondara Council, Climate Damage, Climate Emergency, Taking Action
Lighter Footprints has joined forces with other groups in the Kooyong Climate Change Alliance to work towards the City of Boroondara declaring a Climate Emergency. We have been petitioning the good people of Boroondara since October in shopping centres on Saturday...
Jan 16, 2020 | Letters, Solutions, Taking Action
Congratulations to the dedicated and persistent letter writers who have been featured during the second week of January in the Australian Financial Review! It takes a special person to get up early day after day, scan articles and the news, and respond with wit, grace...
Nov 30, 2019 | Lighter Footprints Forum, Taking Action, Thank Yous & Celebrations
When I look through the events of this year, I am taken aback with the wonderful amount of work in our community that Lighter Footprints members have achieved – our monthly meetings, small group work, forums, submissions and putting the case for climate action,...
Nov 7, 2019 | Clean Energy, Climate Damage, Speaker Slides & Presentations, Taking Action
Thanks so much for your support and attendance at our forum: “Living In The Clean Economy” SLIDESETS Here is a link to the presenter’s slides as a downloadable pptx’s, and also the Conference slides. This is easy to use. SLIDE JPGS Here are...
Oct 4, 2019 | Lighter Footprints Forum, Taking Action
For years we have been told that we can’t move to renewables and keep our economy growing. The take home point from Lighter Footprints October 31 Forum is that is no longer the case. In fact the reverse is true. Global experts Tom Kompas, the author of a high...
Sep 27, 2019 | Climate Damage, Solutions, Taking Action
Agriculture, Regeneration and Climate by Matilda Bowra Over 80 people filled the Guide Hall at Faversham Road in Canterbury on 25 September to hear advocate Bev Middleton and former farmer and Chairman of Healthy Soils Australia Thomas Nicholas speak about...
Sep 27, 2019 | Lighter Footprints Forum, Taking Action
Our volunteers are our strength! Our next big job is the October 31 forum; we are all going to be pulling together to fill this hall. Please don’t forget to register yourself on our website page. Given the very apparent skills of our Lighter Footprints...
Sep 24, 2019 | Taking Action
Melbourne turned out in force for the global Climate Strike. Organisers called it at 150,000, certainly the crowds were well over 100,000, a good part of Australia’s 350,000, the culmination of months of work for the School Strike movement and their allies. The...
Jul 18, 2018 | Taking Action
Julia Croatto is the convenor of ACF Boroondara. In her own words: I have been a longtime ACF supporter but only became more active at last year’s Convergence event (in September). At that weekend event we were grouped regionally and I found myself with several...
Mar 29, 2018 | Climate Damage, Taking Action
Wednesday March 28 7 for 7:30pm Guide Hall – Faversham Rd Canterbury With a conservative elected government in Canberra, whose views and actions range from climate-denialism to inadequate policy responses, what narratives about global warming might help change...
Oct 29, 2017 | Taking Action
Thursday 2 November at 7:00 PM 1 Faversham Rd, Canterbury , VIC 3126 ACF Boroondara and Lighter Footprints would like to invite you to a screening of Guarding The Galilee: a 30 minute documentary film that takes us inside the fight to stop Adani’s Carmichael...
May 15, 2017 | Taking Action
Lighter Fooprints had a stall at this festival in High St Burwood on Saturday 29 April. Our solar model attracts attention, and a letter to our local member Josh Frydenberg was signed by 50 people.
Mar 18, 2017 | Taking Action
Climate Conversations – How to talk about the things that matter to us. If we want climate change on the political agenda, we need a population that cares enough to vote for a government that takes action. Social research shows that whilst mass media raises...
Mar 6, 2017 | Taking Action
Good day talking with local residents, to the extent we ran out of letters to sign to Minister Frydenberg! Solar Model again very popular. A young boy translating in Mandarin to his parents how a solar thermal power station...
Mar 5, 2017 | Taking Action
We ran stall at this festival, had hundreds of letters signed to Minister Frydenberg and to the CEO of Westpac bank!
Dec 5, 2016 | Taking Action
Adani Coal Mine Protest @ Treasury Place Over one thousand protesters attended a rally at 48 hours notice to protest government funding of the rail line or any other feature associated with Government support for the Adani coal mine in Queensland. ...
Oct 16, 2016 | Climate Damage, Taking Action
Wednesday 26 October 7.00 pm for 7.30 start Guide Hall – Faversham Rd Canterbury “Stories of hope, healing and meaning” Faith, literature and psychology all deal with what it is to be human and find meaning in our world. How can we tap into this...
Oct 13, 2016 | Taking Action
At our Box Hill Town Hall forum on June 16, the three political panelists were asked if they would meet together for a coffee after the election-no matter what the result, and talk about common ground for climate change. Today they met! We will hope that this is the...
Oct 12, 2016 | Taking Action
Carolyn Ingvarson spoke on Climate Change to the Glenferrie Rotary Club on October 11. Click here for her presentation slides. Carolyn Ingvarson and Carol Benson – President of Glenferrie Rotary Club.
Oct 10, 2016 | Boroondara Council, Taking Action
What more could our new Boroondara Council do to step up on the environment? Hear about what makes for best practice in local government. Meet your local Council candidates & ask them questions (all candidates from all 10 wards have been invited). Council...
Jun 19, 2016 | Taking Action
One of our members penned this beautiful thank-you note after the pre-election forum at the Box Hill Town Hall: Dear Carolyn and All, It was great to be part of last night’s very well organised, polite, and amazingly well attended event at Box Hill Town Hall which,...