Wednesday March 28

7 for 7:30pm

Guide Hall – Faversham Rd


With a conservative elected government in Canberra, whose views and actions range from climate-denialism to inadequate policy responses, what narratives about global warming might help change the way the broader government grasps this issue? David will discuss his recent work on climate change, conflict and risk in the Asia-Pacific region, and how this approach works in Canberra.

David Spratt

“Making Canberra sit up and take notice: climate change as risky business”.

David Spratt is a climate activist and Research Director for Breakthrough: National Centre for Climate restoration. He is the co-author of the book “Climate Code Red: The case for emergency action”. His recent work has focussed on the national security implications of climate change, and on the scientific understatement of climate change’s existential risks.


The Facebook Live Video feed is available here.


And the slides from David’s presentation are available here.