Climate Conversations – How to talk about the things that matter to us.
If we want climate change on the political agenda, we need a population that cares enough to vote for a government that takes action.
Social research shows that whilst mass media raises awareness, people’s attitudes are impacted by face-to-face conversation.
It is then that we process the information and and decide what we think and what we will do.
Climate for Change ( is an organisation that seeks to shift the social climate by helping people to have conversations with the people around them.
Suzie Raffe is a facilitator trainer from Climate for Change, and she will conduct a one hour inter-active workshop on how to approach tricky conversations.
Suzie has a background in environmental social science and previously worked for the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI). She has also spent time volunteering in Indonesia as an Australian Youth Ambassador for Development through AusAID before returning to Melbourne to take up postgraduate studies in sustainability.
Suzie is currently a Climate for Change volunteer facilitator and trainer. She trained as a Climate Reality Leader with Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project in 2014 and joined Climate for Change in early 2015 after realising that while presentations on climate change are great, meaningful conversations are even better and more powerful. She has been having conversations about climate change ever since and now trains other facilitators to deliver Climate for Change conversations.
Also at this meeting we will discuss our recent submissions to the Finkel Review on energy, and vehicle emissions standards And there have been a few major decisions that impact on our rising emissions, with differing opinions about their merits or otherwise. There has been active email discussion on pumped hydro. Our April meeting will address the current energy debate.
And there will be time for socialising, some food and drink and meeting new members, as well as a range of other issues for discussion.
You are all very welcome.
Call for further information – 0411 115 186
Other actions this month:
1. Adani Roadshow
Here is a link to book for this event. We need massive community support to demonstrate that this mine just cannot proceed.
Check out this national Roadshow in Melbourne on Friday March 31 –
2. Aurizon – Rail line
You may like to support this action, also related to this project but a different element of it.
Market Forces is promoting this email action at the moment regarding Aurizon’s application for a $1.25 billion loan from the NAIF to fund a rail link between Galilee and Abbott Point. It calls on Super Funds to pressure Aurizon to stop the loan (and entire project): http://superswitch.o