
Climate politics – Dr Ken Coghill

Climate politics – Dr Ken Coghill

7pm for 7.30 pm start Guide Hall - Faversham Rd Canterbury   Doing Climate Politics: Insights into Political Processes Guest speaker: Dr Ken Coghill Ken will lead a discussion of how politicians and political parties relate to the community on climate...

Conversations with the community

Wed August 27 7 for 7.30 pm Guide Hall - Faversham Rd Canterbury Conversations with our local community. We will be having a discussion with two members of Borderlands about what could be an on-going basis for working with others in our local community, or just...

Australian Climate Action Summit – Brisbane 19 -21 September

Please consider the following information about the upcoming summit in Brisbane. It's time for climate solutions.... It’s getting to that time of year again when we come together and inspire the climate movement to keep pushing for progress! They say that the hour is...

Bringing renewable energy online – Peter Dreher

Bringing renewable energy online – Peter Dreher

Wednesday 28th May 7 for 7.30 pm Guide Hall - Faversham Rd Canterbury Peter Dreher - Bringing Renewable Energy Online : Facts and Fiction. Peter is a corporate and projects partner at HWL Ebsworth with a specialisation in energy.
We are fortunate to have someone who...

Lighter Footprints at Burwood Festival 2014

Lighter Footprints at Burwood Festival 2014

Fighting for more clean energy investment, rooftop solar, jobs and lower electricity bills at Burwood Festival Lighter Footprints continued its fight at the Burwood Festival on Saturday 3 May to  protect and increase the amount of  clean energy in Australia's power...

Walking more lightly on the earth – Dr Peter Seligman

Walking more lightly on the earth – Dr Peter Seligman

Members of the public are warmly invited to join us at our next monthly meeting to find out what more each of us can do to contribute to a clean healthy future and to better manage climate change risk. Distinguished electrical engineer and renewable energy enthusiast...

Defending renewable energy at Kew Festival

Defending renewable energy at Kew Festival

Lighter Footprints was out in force at Kew Festival on 29 March gathering support for a stronger Renewable Energy Target  and exhibiting our model of a solar thermal plant, which proved immensely popular with families Solar thermal power plants can operate at night as...

The bad guys are winning on climate change – Age op-ed by Gay Alcorn

Age opinion writer Gay Alcorn has written another excellent piece on climate change today called "Climate change bad guys apply heat to Labor" (14/3/14). Following on from the observations of  Climate Change Authority head Bernie Fraser that the good guys on climate...

Defending Renewable Energy at Ashburton Festival

Defending Renewable Energy at Ashburton Festival

Several  of us were able to attend the Ashburton Festival on Sunday and demonstrate the BZE model of the Spanish solar thermal power station. It attracted much interest! We also had letters available for signing to our local Federal MP about supporting the Renewable...

What standstill? In case you need some recent evidence

Read this from a very conservative and respected body, and jump on anyone who thinks there has been a standstill. "What standstill" they say? "The coldest year since 2001 is warmer than any year before 1998!" This is a frightening on-going trend. The head of the World...

Here comes 2014!

What have we planned for Feb 2014? You might think that February would be a quiet month but we are starting the year with a bang!  Here are our proposed events: 1. Saturday 15 Feb  - Sustainable Festival in Boroondara - 8am to 1 pm - Auburn Rd, Hawthorn We have been...

Beat the Heat – national day of climate action

SUNDAY RALLY- NOVEMBER 17, 11 am Treasury Place Melb. In 2011 Australia faced a turning point. Climate scientists warned it was the beginning of the critical decade for climate change and stronger action was needed if we were to avoid the catastrophic effects of...

Letter published in Progress Leader

Our Convenor Carolyn Ingvarson makes it into the Progress Leader this month! The New Way? With all the talk about a new way, where is the vision for a real new Australia, one that is powered by a green economy driving renewable energy, one that values our environment...

Climate Reality Project – Sue King and Adam Majcher

Climate Reality Project – Sue King and Adam Majcher

The Climate Reality Project - what is it and where do we fit? Sue King (Energy auditor) and Adam Majcher (Australian Conservation Foundation) have recently returned from the training course in Chicago run by Al Gore and the Climate Reality team. They will give us an...

August forum gets write-up in the Fifth Estate!

Politicians in the hot seat on climate change By Donna Kelly (Anna Burke, Janet Rice, Ken Coghill, Carolyn Ingvarson, Josh Frydenberg, Claire Maries and Graeme Pearman) 21 August 2013 — Politicians from all political parties, ranging from Labor’s Anna Burke to the...

Age letter – August 19, 2013

Convenor Carolyn Ingvarson makes it into the Age this August! Policies lack credibility At the packed Kooyong/Chisholm forum on climate change last week, three class candidates spoke with strength and some passion about the need to tackle this vital issue. The Greens...

Wow, what a turn out – 2013 election forum wrap-up

Wow, what a turn out – 2013 election forum wrap-up

What a great turn out to our Forum ... Who said Climate Change was dead as an election issue! The hall was packed, (292) with standing room only (photo by John Kirk) A reflection on the night! Who would have thought a parish hall in leafy Surrey Hills would have been...

Candidates gather to promote our August forum

Josh Frydenberg, Anna Burke, and Janet Rice gathered at South Surrey Park for a photograph for Leader Press to promote the forum they will be present at on August 13. This is a climate change forum and offers a chance to hear the climate policies of the  two majors...

Lighter Footprints meets with Greg Hunt

Lighter Footprints meets with Greg Hunt

Here is a report of the meeting held on June 7th  in Josh Frydenberg's office. Lighter Footprints meets with Greg Hunt, Shadow Minister for Climate Action, Environment and Heritage. Eight members of Lighter Footprints met with Greg Hunt at Josh Frydenberg's office on...

Ethical Investments – Michael Josephson

Ethical Investments – Michael Josephson

Wednesday 26th June 7 pm for 7.30 Canterbury Guide Hall - Faversham Rd Michael Josephson (Ethical Investment Services) How to move your super to an ethical investment so that YOU can avoid patronising companies that deal in coal, oil, tobacco, alcohol, slave labour,...

Lighter Footprints gets a mention in the Fin Review!

Lighter Footprints received its first mention in the news pages of The Australian Financial Review recently, following several emails from us to Bill Shorten strongly urging him to continue his support for a price on carbon after the election. The following excerpt...

