


What if we took out more greenhouse gases than we put into the atmosphere? This hypothetical scenario, known as "drawdown," is our only hope of averting climate disaster, says strategist Chad Frischmann. Learn more about drawdown "Global warming is one of the most...

Johan Rockström – the state of the planet and what we need to do

Johan Rockström – the state of the planet and what we need to do

A brilliant talk: If you only listen to one talk about climate change, this should be it. Johan Rockström is a distinguished and awarded global environmental scientist and a diligent debater of climate issues. He has been appointed “The most powerful environmental...

Five Common Myths about Climate Change

Five Common Myths about Climate Change

We all know people who don't believe climate change is a problem. And we all sit somewhere on this scale. The purpose of this blog is to help counter some of the myths that are believed by people who are positioned towards the lower (right) end of the scale. Those who...

Why we are opposed to a “gas-fired recovery”

Why we are opposed to a “gas-fired recovery”

Gasfield south of Chinchilla, Qld. Background The Morrison government established the National Covid-19 Coordination Commission to provide a business perspective to Government on Australia’s economic recovery. There were concerns about member connections to the fossil...

Boroondara Council Elections 2020

Boroondara Council Elections 2020

Thank you to everyone who came along to our massive forum event! Over 300 Lighter Footprints supporters packed in to hear from candidates in the upcoming Boroondara council elections, as well as a rousing welcome from ABC star Craig Reucassel. You can watch a...

Boroondara Candidates Forum

Boroondara Candidates Forum

Coming event September 30th Boroondara Council Candidates Forum Boroondara Council elections are happening in October. Often we know little about our Council candidates. To help you make an informed vote we are inviting all Council candidates to attend this forum so...

The fight for our forests

The fight for our forests

Coming event 28 Oct 2020 RSVP here to find out more about protecting our forests  BREAKING 1: VicForests has lodged an appeal VicForests has lodged an appeal and is seeking to overturn Justice Mortimer’s ruling in the recent landmark Federal Court case protecting 66...

Lidia Thorpe: an Indigenous perspective on climate

Lidia Thorpe: an Indigenous perspective on climate

For those who missed out, you can relive the night via a recording on our YouTube channel. We will not go back to normal. Normal never was. Our pre-corona existence was not normal, other than we normalised greed, inequity, exhaustion, depletion, extraction,...

Councils and climate action: what are Boroondara’s neighbours doing?

Councils and climate action: what are Boroondara’s neighbours doing?

Boroondara Climate Action Plan Consultation - Complete the Survey Now! The City of Boroondara is developing a new Climate Action Plan that will guide Council's climate action over the next ten years. The first phase of community consultation on Boroondara's Climate...

Why Snowy 2.0 doesn’t stack up

Why Snowy 2.0 doesn’t stack up

The contents of this blog are based upon a paper prepared by the National Parks Association of NSW, a Climate Action Network Australia (CANA) ‘brown bag lunch’ webinar on 25 June and a piece in The Conversation. The 1-hour CANA webinar can be viewed here. There were a...

Anna Skarbek – Decarbonisation Futures

Anna Skarbek – Decarbonisation Futures

ClimateWorks Last Wednesday we were joined by ClimateWorks CEO Anna Skarbek. Her organisation has spent two years carefully plotting out updated paths to economy-wide decarbonisation in Australia, and Lighter Footprints members were lucky enough to get a breakdown of...

Simon Holmes à Court – Building the Recovery

Simon Holmes à Court – Building the Recovery

BUILDING THE RECOVERY ( ‘A new and better normal’) An hour with Simon Holmes à Court 13th May 2020 Simon’s special insights into Energy and Climate returned to Lighter Footprints with a review of the opportunities for a renewables based recovery from the pandemic. He...

‘Must see’  film to inspire what the future could look like – 2040

‘Must see’ film to inspire what the future could look like – 2040

If you missed the film 2040 you are not alone. But if you care about climate change then you must see it. If you have teenagers or know teenagers or young adults who are anxious about their climate future, then this is a 'must see'. My family, the Nolan family, had a...

Climate, the Financial Sector and Shareholder Action – Market Forces

Climate, the Financial Sector and Shareholder Action – Market Forces

On Wednesday 29 April at 7:30 pm we welcomed Pablo Brait and Rachel Deans from Market Forces. This is a report of the meeting. Pablo Brait It is necessary to align your finances with your values. Many money-managing organisations still invest in the fossil fuel (FF)...

Market Forces Wednesday 29th

Market Forces Wednesday 29th

We welcomed Rachel and Pablo from Market Forces on Wednesday 29 April to learn more about how working the financial sector can reduce emissions and shift global capital for a safer climate. You can upload the presentation slides here, and listen to the Facebook Live...

Unpublished Letters – April Edition

Unpublished Letters – April Edition

Lighter Footprints has a talented pool of committed letter writers. Some very good letters go unpublished. This is the first in a series of selected unpublished letters from the group that we believe will be of interest.

Lighter Footprints on Zoom!

Lighter Footprints on Zoom!

This Wednesday thirty brave members logged on to Lighter's Footprint's first all-Zoom meeting. Thanks so much to the participants, who are now familiarised with Zoom's basic functions. We are looking forward to our next Zoom with Environment Victoria's CEO, legendary...

Report on strategic planning day  Feb 2020

Report on strategic planning day  Feb 2020

Carolyn Ingvarson’s report back from the Strategic Day including 2020 goals and opportunity to join Lighter Footprint’s working groups plus links to facebook live and other resources.

Working Groups – central to Lighter Footprints’ climate action

Working Groups – central to Lighter Footprints’ climate action

Energy Transition Working Group The Energy Transitions Group meets fortnightly with a focus on pulling together energy data, latest innovations and submissions to government and making climate solutions accessible to a variety of audiences. Please contact Mick Nolan...

2020 Vision – Simon Holmes á Court

2020 Vision – Simon Holmes á Court

Last Wednesday 26 Feb Simon Holmes á Court offered us a terrific preview of the year ahead in climate solutions and collective action with over 100 captive audience members. So what did we learn? Where's the climate heading? The latest projections indicate we’re...

