
The Australian energy market & renewables – Bruce Mountain & Dan Cass

The Australian energy market & renewables – Bruce Mountain & Dan Cass

"How do we understand the Australian energy market, and the role of renewables?" Our speakers, Bruce Mountain and Dan Cass will discuss what is happening in Australia currently, both at the household level and across the country, and the opportunities this government...

Box Hill Town Hall Forum – a thank you note & more photos

Box Hill Town Hall Forum – a thank you note & more photos

One of our members penned this beautiful thank-you note after the pre-election forum at the Box Hill Town Hall: Dear Carolyn and All, It was great to be part of last night’s very well organised, polite, and amazingly well attended event at Box Hill Town Hall which,...

Box Hill Town Hall Forum – wrap-up

What a great pre-election forum. You can relive the night via Facebook Live (in 2 parts - here & here)! Over 550 with standing room only. Politicians discussed serious issue related to Climate Change, and they agreed to continue the discussion  with a view to...

Boroondara’s Low Carbon Strategy

Wed May 25 7 for 7.30 PM Guide Hall - Faversham Rd Canterbury   "Where is Boroonadara headed with its Low Carbon Strategy to 2020?" Come and hear the early plans and provide input into this strategy. Speaker: Mathew Dixon Senior Sustainability Officer City of...

Burwood Festival 2016

 Burwood Festival stall - May 1 2016 Hundreds of local people have signed letters to Malcolm Turnbull and other federal politicians urging faster action on global warming in a last ditch attempt to protect the Great Barrier Reef. Lighter Footprints collected the...

Coal &/or coal – Australia’s choice?

Coal &/or coal – Australia’s choice?

Wed April 27 7 for 7.30 Guide Hall - Faversham Rd Canterbury Coral and/or Coal - Australia's choice? Basha Stasak - Healthy Ecosystems Campaigner Australian Conservation Foundation Come and hear what Australia's largest conservation group is doing to save the Great...

Rally to save CSIRO Jobs

Rally to save CSIRO Jobs

Lighter Footprints joined with hundreds of others to protest at the cuts to CSIRO research, especially the climate division. Lighter Footprints has also been out and about at local festivals in Ashburton, Glenferrie and Kew collecting hundreds of letters signed by...

The Paris Agreement – John Wiseman & Fiona Armstrong

The Paris Agreement – John Wiseman & Fiona Armstrong

Wednesday February 24 7 for 7.30 Guide Hall - Faversham Rd Canterbury PARIS - December 2015. Two personal takes. with John Wiseman from MSSI and Fiona Armstrong from CAHA Hear what being in Paris in Dec 2015 meant to them, what they learnt and where they think climate...

Boroondara Citizen of the Year – Congratulations to our Convenor!

On Australia Day, Lighter Footprints Convenor, Carolyn Ingvarson, was named Boroondara Citizen of the Year for 2016. We congratulate Carolyn on receiving this honour which recognises her service to the Boroondara community and to the environment.     From...

Engaging communities – Cam Walker

Engaging communities – Cam Walker

Wednesday November 25 7 for 7.30 Guide Hall - Faversham Rd Canterbury Cam Walker Campaign Coordinator, Friends of the Earth Everything old is new again: Engaging with communities for change.  For the past twenty years, Cam has worked extensively with FoE International...

Last Climate Tango in Paris – forum wrap-up & photos

Last Climate Tango in Paris – forum wrap-up & photos

The Last Climate Tango in Paris For those who were not able to make it to the forum on Tuesday 27 October at Hawthorn Town Hall " The Last Climate Tango in Paris" , and have not heard how it went,  and want to know - it went well! We filled the hall - to bursting! The...

Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action

Wednesday September 20 7 for 7.30 Guide Hall - Faversham Rd Canterbury Scott McKenry Regional Coordinator Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action (EAGA) Local to Regional Climate Action : How Eastern Region Councils are working together on climate change Before joining...

The Climate Divestment movement – Govind Maksay & Simon O’Connor

The Climate Divestment movement – Govind Maksay & Simon O’Connor

Wednesday 29 July 7pm  for 7.30pm Guide Hall - Faversham Rd Canterbury "The fossil fuel divestment movement and steps you can take to clean up your finances". Govind Maksay is a campaigner at Market Forces - an affiliate project of Friends of the Earth. Market Forces...

Pope Francis’ Encyclical re-frames climate debate – David Spratt

Pope Francis’ Encyclical re-frames climate debate – David Spratt

Wednesday 24 June 7pm  for 7.30pm Guide Hall - Faversham Rd Canterbury David Spratt  (co-author Climate Code Red) "After the Encyclical: spreading the word on climate change" Join us for an engaging evening of discussion. Join us for some food and drinks at 7 pm, the...

Places you love – contribute to ACF’s national database

Places you love – contribute to ACF’s national database

Wednesday 27 May 7pm  for 7.30pm Guide Hall - Faversham Rd Canterbury   Places you love: What threats do you see to these places and how can you help to protect them Come and join us to discuss your own views on the places you love and how best to protect them....

Strong Lighter Footprint’s presence at Kew Festival

Strong Lighter Footprint’s presence at Kew Festival

Lighter Footprint's members turned out in force again on Saturday 21 March to run a stall at the Kew Festival. Our model of a solar thermal power station was once again a major highlight, attracting many families to our display where they learnt that heat stored in...

November 2014 Forum wrap-up!

November 2014 Forum wrap-up!

Yes, we did it, And now it is done! And life can go on for those us who've been involved with getting this to happen. So thanks to all of you who did your part. Many of you came, and many told others about it, others delivered flyers - thousands and thousands of them....

Reminder for Forum – Wed November 12, Hawthorn Town Hall

Lighter Footprints public forum: “Does Government Matter? Out of Step or Stepping up on Climate Action” Where: Hawthorn Town Hall, 360 Burwood Rd Hawthorn When: 6:30 for 7:00pm, Wednesday November 12 Speakers: Professor Peter Newman AO – Professor of Sustainability,...

Panel members for our November Forum

1. Professor Peter Newman - Curtin University Peter Newman is the Professor of Sustainability at Curtin University and Director of CUSP. His books include ‘Green Urbanism in Asia’ (2013), ‘Resilient Cities: Responding to Peak Oil and Climate Change’(2009), ‘Green...

