Wednesday February 24
7 for 7.30
Guide Hall – Faversham Rd
PARIS – December 2015.
Two personal takes.
with John Wiseman from MSSI and Fiona Armstrong from CAHA
Hear what being in Paris in Dec 2015 meant to them, what they learnt and where they think climate activists should be headed in light of the outcomes reached.
Professor John Wiseman
John Wiseman is Deputy Director of the Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute, University of Melbourne and Professorial Fellow, Melbourne School of Global and Population Health. He is also a Fellow at the Centre for Policy Development and Climate Change Adviser to Sustainability Victoria.
Professor Wiseman has worked in diverse academic and public sector settings including as Foundation Director of the McCaughey Centre, Melbourne School of Population Health; Professor of Public Policy, Victoria University; and Assistant Director, Policy Development and Research, Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet.
Professor Wiseman’s major research and policy contributions have been in the fields of social justice and citizen engagement; strengthening and measuring community wellbeing; globalization impacts and responses; the development and implementation of social, economic and environmental policy frameworks; sustainability transitions; and climate change risks and solutions.
His current research, writing and advocacy work focuses on the social and political transformations needed to drive a rapid transition to a just and resilient post carbon society.
Fiona Armstrong
Fiona is a registered nurse, journalist and has a Masters in Politics and Public Policy, with her thesis exploring ‘Climate Policy Options for Australia’ published as a chapter entitled ‘Shifting from Fear to Hope’ in the 2010 book ‘More Than Luck: Ideas Australia Needs Now.’
She is the Founder and Executive Director of the Climate and Health Alliance, a founding director of CLIMARTE: Arts for a Safe Climate, a Fellow of the Centre for Policy Development, and an Associate of the Melbourne Sustainable Societies Institute at the University of Melbourne.
The Climate and Health Alliance is the Australian affiliate of the international non-governmental organisation Health Care Without Harm (HCWH) and co-ordinates the Pacific region of the Global Green and Healthy Hospitals network, a HCWH project.
Fiona is the author of a number of seminal publications in the areas of climate, energy and health, including the 2015 report: Coal and Health in the Hunter: Lessons from One Valley for the World; producer of the short film, The Human Cost of Power, directed by award winning science journalist, Alexandra de Blas; lead author of the 2014 Health and Energy Choices Position Paper and Background Paper; and author of the 2012 report, Our Uncashed Dividend: The Health Benefits of Climate Action, published by the Climate and Health Alliance and The Climate Institute.
Fiona’s personal story of how she came to be involved in advocacy for climate action appears in the 2015 book: Guarding Eden: Champions of Climate Action by Deborah Hart.
Come to meet people and for some food and drinks at 7 pm, followed by the presentation with questions, and a refreshment break at 8.30 pm.
After the break, a discussion of the outcomes of the Strategic Planning Day and our plans for this year.
Join us for an engaging evening.
All welcome.