Past Events
Below is a list of all our past events. If you are interested in any of the topics or issues, visit our YouTube Channel to view recordings of past events. Expert speakers and topics are also summarised in blogs on our Blogs page.
Kooyong Votes Climate Campaign Launch
Join us to kick off the Kooyong Votes Climate 2025 election campaign. There is much at stake in this Federal election and we need your help to make sure climate action is high on the list of vote determining issues in Kooyong.

Find out how you, your family and friends can be involved in a dynamic, non-partisan, Vote Climate campaign which will include scorecards, street stalls, events, including a Koyoong Candidates Forum, door knocking and more. Putting accurate information into the hands of voters about where the candidates stand on climate is powerful. Be part of it!
Lighter Footprints and Friends End of Year Celebrations
It’s time to kick back and celebrate a year of working together for climate action. Our celebration this year will be even bigger and better than ever as we have invited our 2025 Kooyong campaign allies to join us.

Otherwise we will be celebrating in traditional Lighter Footprints style - BYO everything including something for the BBQ and a salad or dessert to share. We will have tables under the trees outside the Guide Hall if the weather is fine and inside if not.
Boroondara Candidates Forum 2024
Council elections are coming up in October. What's at stake? Are you concerned about protecting tree canopy and green spaces? Do you want to see progress on walkable neighbourhoods, electrification leading to lower energy bills, support for cycling and putting on solar, benefitting all Boroondara residents?

Join this forum to meet your Ward candidates and ask them questions about the issues you care about. Jono La Nauze, CEO of Environment Victoria will kick off the evening, then we will break out into separate Ward based sessions to hear from the Boroondara Council candidates, and find out what their plans are for a climate-friendly future for Boroondara. Instructions on joining the Ward based sessions will be provided to you on the night.
Energy Policy: Facts and Fantasy
Australia’s energy transition is well under way and kicking goals with renewables producing almost 40% of Australia's electricity and rising. Australia has a detailed plan to transition its energy system. It's been developed by experts and it's called the Integrated Systems Plan (ISP). That’s the good news. So why all this talk of nuclear? How do we sort the facts from the spin?

Dr Dylan McConnell, renewable energy & energy systems analyst at UNSW Sydney, will give us the facts and identify the potential wrong turns on the road to a clean energy future. Dylan has extensive experience in analysing the electricity sector in Australia and is a regular contributor to the public conversation on energy policy.
Knowledge is power – control your energy bills, increase home comfort
The transition is underway, and every household will take different paths in their transition to a clean, efficient, affordable electric future. Get advice at our July meeting with Tim Forcey who will introduce his new book 'My Efficient Electric Home Handbook'.

We also have three other home efficiency assessors joining us with different approaches and levels of service such as energy use analysis, scorecard assessments, trade recommendations or management assistance. Join us to learn more about lowering your energy bills and increasing the comfort of your home.
The Macroeconomics of Australia’s Energy Transition
Raging unemployment, trade deficits, destroyed industries - all claims made by people who oppose the energy transition. So what sorts of impacts and opportunities will flow from transitioning away from fossil fuels, and how can Australia benefit?

These are big questions and serious minds are required to put some sense into this discussion. We are delighted to bring you Australia Institute Executive Director Richard Denniss in conversation with Beyond Zero Emissions CEO Heidi Lee to explain the macroeconomics of the energy transition.
The Forest Wars – A Conversation
Since colonisation, Australians have been frantically logging our native forests as if our lives depended on it. Our lives do depend on the forests—but on keeping them, not destroying them. World-leading forest expert Professor David Lindenmayer uncovers the grim truth about what is happening in our tall eucalypt forests in his new book, 'The Forest Wars', Allen and Unwin, 2024.

The Forest Wars lifts the lid on destruction of native forests by government corporations and the logging industry that is making bushfires worse, killing wildlife and costing taxpayers millions, for the sake of woodchips for export. Join Prof. David Lindenmayer and Dr. Monique Ryan as they delve into the thought-provoking insights of the book.
Your 2030 Home and Neighbourhood
Big changes are coming to the way we generate, use and store energy at home. Are you 2030 ready? If our local, state and national governments are on the ball there will also be significant changes to the way our neighbourhoods look. What needs to change and who is responsible?

What should our neighbourhoods look like in 2030? Will your new EV be your home battery? What about vehicle to grid possibilities? And how will our household energy systems change? These questions and more will be answered by our expert speakers.
Australia’s Race to Zero with Simon Holmes à Court
Worldwide the transition to clean energy economies is underway. The United States has played a significant trump card with its massive investment (AU$520 billion) in renewable energy, electrification and clean industries under the Inflation Reduction Act.

Will Australia fall behind in the race for investment, resources and expertise to execute the transition? What are our advantages and how can we exploit them? Where are the road blocks and where do our fossil fuel exports fit into the equation?
Lighter Footprints End of Year Celebration 2023
We're looking forward to ending the year in traditional Lighter Footprints fashion with a BBQ at the Guide Hall.

It's time to celebrate our wins, enjoy a laugh, some good cheer and great company. Please bring your own BBQ fare and drink plus a salad, bread or desert to share.
Community Climate Action – what’s happening in our neighbourhood
Clean energy, healthy transport, electric homes, green spaces - climate action will help us lower energy bills, protect our health and future and create local jobs.

What does it mean to be a good neighbour and support each other to lower emissions? Hear from State MPs and climate activists in our neighbourhood.
Family Forest Evening: Greater Glider Spotlighting
Are you keen for a family forest adventure? Would you like to see a Greater Glider in the bush?

ACF Community Boroondara and Lighter Footprints with the wonderful volunteers from Kinglake Friends of the Forest offer families the opportunity to take a guided walk in the forests of Toolangi on the afternoon and evening of 16th September. Come and see the Greater Glider in its natural habitat. Wonder at the beauty of our magnificent forests and learn about why our forests are so important for all of us.
Victoria’s Native Forests – State of Play
Logging is ending in Victoria in 2023. This is undoubtedly positive news, but many of Victoria’s forests continue to be at risk. Join world-leading ecologist Professor David Lindenmayer and forest champions Sue McKinnon and Aawa White, as they combine their scientific expertise and experiential knowledge and delve into the ongoing challenges faced by Victoria's forests.

From the issues of ongoing logging and fire management to the huge task ahead of restoration and regeneration, don't miss this exceptional opportunity to hear invaluable insights into the state of Victoria's forests.
Keeping Warm this Winter
Is it costing you a bomb to stay warm this winter or are you wearing a beanie and puffer jacket in your living room? It doesn't have to be this way. A well-insulated and draft proofed home will be a more comfortable home. An energy efficient home will use less energy to keep you warm in winter and cool in summer, reduce your energy costs, and your environmental impact.

At our August meeting learn how to improve the thermal performance of your home from hands-on energy efficiency experts, Maurice and Michael Beinat from EcoMaster. Charlie Phillips from the Earthworker Smart Energy Cooperative will also provide advice on smart energy measures. The focus of this evening is on practical steps you can take to make your home more comfortable and reduce your energy use.
Agriculture and Climate Action : Success stories and challenges
Occupying half of the country’s land area, agriculture in Australia is vulnerable to climate change. Agriculture also offers potentially significant solutions to the climate challenges of carbon sequestration, emission reductions and maintaining biodiversity.

We will hear from three speakers who "live farming" and can tell us what is really happening on the ground with agriculture in Australia. What progress has been made with soil carbon and emissions reductions? What areas require more research and development? What are the key roadblocks and challenges to farmers adopting regenerative agriculture and acting to protect our climate and biodiversity? Our speakers will also delve into nitty gritty topics like, waste management, animal husbandry, cover crops and minimal tillage.
Monique Ryan the First Year : Climate Wins and Challenges
Dr Monique Ryan MP was elected to Parliament on 21 May 2022. She rode a teal wave of optimism for action on climate change, integrity in government and gender equality. Join us to hear Dr Ryan's reflections on her first year in Parliament with a climate focus.

The Independents don't hold the balance of power but have had a significant impact on this 47th Parliament. We have asked Dr Ryan to speak about what it is like to work as an Independent in Parliament and to give us her view of the key climate legislation which has been passed or which is in prospect.
Electrify our Homes, Electrify Boroondara
By switching your appliances from gas to electricity, you can save money on your household bills, improve your family’s comfort, protect them from gas health impacts, and take action to help stop climate change.

Hear from Tim Forcey, engineer and home energy expert and Dr. Genevieve Cowie, Public Health Physician and Convenor of Doctors for the Environment Australia's Research, Education and Advocacy Committee. Tim will speak about the benefits of home electrification. He has provided advice to over 1,000 Melbourne homes about how to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy bills by switching to efficient electric appliances. Dr Cowie will speak about the health impacts of gas in the home.
Safeguarding our Climate
Heavy emitters need to pull their weight - we need real climate action not exemptions and reliance on unlimited dodgy offsets.

The safeguard mechanism is part of a federal policy framework intended to manage and reduce carbon emissions from Australia’s biggest climate polluting companies. Dr Jennifer Rayner, Climate Council's Head of Advocacy, will lay out why it is so important that the heaviest emitters be pulled into line on emissions reductions, and the need to campaign to cease new oil and gas. Leigh Ewbank, Senior Climate Outreach Manager for Solutions, Climate Action Network Australia will outline current campaigns to put pressure on the heavy emitters and how you can get involved.
The Land Gap Report – challenging the ‘Net’ in Net Zero
Net Zero is progress. Or is it? The Land Gap Report asks the question 'Where is all this land that countries plan to use as carbon sinks to achieve net Zero?' and finds some very challenging answers.

Report lead author Dr Kate Dooley will be speaking to us about the Land Gap report which examines land use and climate change. There simply isn't enough land to expect to be able to offset business as usual for the fossil fuel industry. Over-reliance on carbon removals could push ecosystems, land rights and food security to the brink with new land area equivalent to 50 percent of the world’s croplands currently being required to meet climate targets. Protecting and restoring forests, recognising land rights and developing agroecology are critical for a safer climate future.
Innovate 2023: Annual Energy Update with Simon Holmes à Court
The world faces a renewable energy challenge and the clock is ticking. To avoid a climate catastrophe we will need to act with speed and innovation will be key. Join us to hear energy policy expert Simon Holmes à Court's outlook on the energy landscape in the year ahead.

Australian states have increased their emission reduction targets. For a safer climate future a massive increase in renewable energy will be required to meet and beat these targets. What are the challenges to achieving this transition? What game changing innovations are coming down the pipe? What opportunities does Australia have and are we well positioned to grasp them?
Lighter Footprints End of Year Celebrations
We're looking forward to ending the year in traditional Lighter Footprints fashion: a BBQ outside the Guide Hall with fantastic live music from Soul Theatre Company.

It's time to celebrate our wins, enjoy a laugh, some good cheer and great company. Please bring your own BBQ fare and drink plus a salad, bread or desert to share.
Election Debrief & More
Election debrief with experienced climate campaigners Freja Leonard from Friends of the Earth (FoE) and Sarah Rogan from Environment Victoria (EV). After such an important State election, it's time for unpacking the results and finding more about strategic directions for next year. What are the thoughts and ideas for campaigning beyond the election? Overall, Victorian voters moved left with increasing Greens and independent voting on the back of climate concerns, and a progressive upper house.

This is also a great opportunity for valuing climate campaign volunteer work and connecting with each other as such a busy year draws to a close. Native Forests, getting off gas, sustainable transport, electrifying Boroondara, greening spaces. Bring your ideas questions and enthusiasm to this relaxed online get together. This is also a great opportunity for celebrating climate campaign volunteer work and connecting with each other as such a busy year draws to a close. You are welcome to stay on-line for the Lighter Footprints online AGM, commencing at 8pm.
Kew Candidates Forum 2022
Unfortunately this event has reached its attendance limit. We will livestream this event on the Lighter Footprints Facebook page so please watch online. If Facebook isn't for you, we will also be recording the event and the recording will be put up on the Lighter Footprints YouTube channel a day or so after the event.

Where do the Kew electorate candidates stand on climate? What is their vision for Victoria's transition to a clean energy economy and the protection of the planet for future generations? Join us at the Marwal Centre on Thursday 10 November at 7:00pm for a 7.30 start. Listen to the candidates, ask them questions and inform your vote! Too often our candidates are no more than faceless names on a ballot paper. This forum offers the opportunity for you to get a sense of the strengths and weaknesses of the candidates and their climate policies. There is nothing quite like seeing them on stage answering the hard questions.
Hawthorn Candidates Forum 2022
Where do the Hawthorn electorate candidates stand on climate? What is their vision for Victoria's transition to a clean energy economy and the protection of the planet for future generations? Join us at the Hawthorn Arts Centre on Wednesday 2 November, at 7:00pm for a 7.30 start. Listen to the candidates, ask them questions and inform your vote!

Too often our candidates are no more than faceless names on a ballot paper. This forum offers the opportunity for you to get a sense of the strengths and weaknesses of the candidates and their climate policies. There is nothing quite like seeing them on stage answering the hard questions.
Electrifying Energy, Electrify our Homes
Are you concerned about climate change and your family's health? Are you sick of expensive energy bills? Come to our webinar and discover how you can cut costs by electrifying your home, while at the same time reducing carbon emissions and providing a safer home for your family.

Getting off gas is a win-win solution. It is good for the planet, good for your health and good for your wallet. Our guest speaker is Richard Keech, an engineer and energy consultant with a particular interest in energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies and their role in society's response to climate change.
Together We Can – Book Launch and Conversation
'Together We Can' highlights inspiring stories of everyday people responding with courage and creativity to the immense challenge of our climate crisis. Join author Claire O'Rourke in conversation with Environment Victoria CEO, Jono La Nauze, moderated by Victoria McKenzie-McHarg, Strategic Director of Women's Environmental Leadership Australia, from 6-7pm at the Marwal Centre, 9 Marwal Avenue, North Balwyn.

After the conversation, Claire O'Rourke will sign her new book 'Together We Can'. We are delighted to be able to offer the book for sale at a special discounted price for launch attendees.
State Vote Climate Launch 2022
Join us at 7:00pm for 7.30pm on Wednesday 12 October for our Victorian Vote Climate 2022 Campaign Launch, targeting Kew, Hawthorn and more. We'll have time for pizza and a chat at 7:00pm before the proceedings begin at 7:30.

Sarah Rogan, Climate Campaign Manager at Environment Victoria, will be joining us to explain why this election is so important for the climate. The time for action is now! Our Vote Climate campaigns run on people power, and we need you for success. We are joining with our friends at the Kooyong Climate Change Alliance, and we would be delighted if you would join us.
Saving Forests, Ditching Gas
Protecting our native forests, precious biodiversity and water catchments, and moving away from fossil gas are key State election issues.

Gas use in our households harms our health - gas cooking is responsible for 12% of childhood asthma and methane is a powerful greenhouse gas. Not only is our Mountain Ash the most carbon dense forest type in the world, protection could be worth $70m annually and 750 local jobs in ecotourism, for instance, through the creation of a Great Forest National Park. Listen to Freja Leonard, No More Gas Coordinator, FOE and Chris Schuringa, Campaign Coordinator, Victorian Forest Alliance.
State Election Photoshoot – Giant globe – bring the kids!
Great photos make for engaging campaign materials that people pay attention to. We are gearing up for the State election in November and we need your help to create some fantastic images that we will use across the state campaigns we will work on.

Join us for a photo shoot at the Guide Hall, 1A Faversham Road, Canterbury on Thursday 7 July at 11am. This date is during school holidays and we want to include children in the photos (after all, it is their future we are trying to protect!) so please bring along your children or grandchildren, if possible. We will have a giant globe to use as a prop. These photos will be used on flyers, placards and online.
Boroondara’s disappearing trees: What can we do about it?
Trees enhance our environment. They are important for mitigating climate change and protecting our health. They help cool our streets and houses and draw down carbon dioxide and other pollutants from the atmosphere. They also provide essential habitat for native birds and animals, many of which are already under threat.

However, recent research by Professor Joe Hurley from RMIT shows that Boroondara is fast losing its once leafy green tree canopy. Trees are often a casualty during redevelopment, whether for higher density dwellings or just a pool or patio in the backyard. They are also subject to heat stress. Come and hear from the experts about the challenges in protecting our precious trees and the opportunities to reverse this concerning trend.
Carbon Credits – dodgy offsets or the real deal?
Is the scheme being scammed by some? Prof Andrew Macintosh says some carbon credits lack legitimacy What needs to change?

What are carbon credits? Who accrues them? Who needs them? Where can you buy them? Is the carbon credits market working here in Australia? What needs to change? What about overseas carbon credits? Find answers to these questions and more at our July 27 meeting on Zoom.
Campaign Celebration, Drinks & Debrief
Wow! What a result! The landscape has changed and we played our part. It has gone from deep blue to red and teal in the seats we campaigned in.

Coincidence? We don't think so. We all deserve a congratulatory drink to celebrate this win for the climate! Join us Wednesday 25 May, 7:30pm, upstairs at the Elgin Hotel, for an election de-brief and general knees-up, with Paul Sinclair, ACF's Campaign Manager.
Offshore Wind: “it’s a game changer”
Victoria has announced big plans for offshore wind, seizing first-mover advantage in Australia, with first generation planned for 2028, 2GW by 2032 rising to 9GW by 2040.

Join us to find out how this exciting new source of clean energy can create resilience in electricity generation, revitalise regional infrastructure, create many thousands of new regional jobs, and make a significant contribution to Victoria’s decarbonisation goals.
Vote Climate 2022 Campaign Launch
Welcome to our Vote Climate 2022 Campaign Launch! Let's get this party started!

Things are heating up in Kooyong! Some even say Kooyong is in play. Can we shift the politics? Can we make climate the vote deciding issue in the Federal election in Kooyong? The answer to this question depends on you. Our Kooyong Votes Climate campaign is run on people power and we need you to make it a success. We are joining with our friends at the Kooyong Climate Change Alliance to kick off the Kooyong Votes Climate campaign on Wednesday 30 March at 7:30 pm and we would be delighted if you would join us.
Kooyong Candidates Forum 2022 – Now Full. Can be viewed on Facebook Live https://www.facebook.com/LighterFootprintsMelbourne
This event is now fully booked. It can be viewed on facebook live on the Lighter Footprints facebook page https://www.facebook.com/LighterFootprintsMelbourne. Where do the Kooyong electorate candidates stand on climate? What is their vision for Australia's transition to a clean energy economy and the protection of the planet for future generations? Join us at the Hawthorn Arts Centre on Wednesday 27th April, at 7:00pm for a 7.30 start. Listen to the candidates, ask them questions and inform your vote!

Too often our candidates are no more than faceless names on a ballot paper. This forum offers the opportunity for you to get a sense of the strengths and weaknesses of the candidates and their climate policies. There is nothing quite like seeing them on stage answering the hard questions.
Clean Energy – Let’s Get on With It: Chisholm Votes Climate Friday Action, December 17
Let's make climate #1 in 2022 to secure a cleaner, more prosperous and sustainable future. Chisholm is on a knife edge, with a margin of well under 1%. Join us every Friday morning to kickstart the Chisholm #VotesClimate campaign! We'll be focussing our Friday 17th action on clean energy jobs.

Investing in clean energy means more jobs and lowered energy bills. Ernst & Young, in a report for the World Wildlife Fund, found that accelerating investment in clean energy exports would add 395,000 new jobs and $89 billion in new trade through to 2040. Rewiring Australia recently calculated that a modest $12 billion investment in electrifying our homes and cars would result in $5000 annual savings per household, returning over $300 billion savings through to 2035. We would love you to join us on our Friday Action on Burwood Highway, catching the morning rush.
Clean Energy – Let’s Get on With It: Chisholm Votes Climate Friday Action, December 10
Let's make climate #1 in 2022 to secure a cleaner, more prosperous and sustainable future. Chisholm is on a knife edge, with a margin of well under 1%. Join us every Friday morning to kickstart the Chisholm #VotesClimate campaign!

Investing in clean energy means more jobs and lowered energy bills. Ernst & Young, in a report for the World Wildlife Fund, found that accelerating investment in clean energy exports would add 395,000 new jobs and $89 billion in new trade through to 2040. Rewiring Australia recently calculated that a modest $12 billion investment in electrifying our homes and cars would result in $5000 annual savings per household, returning over $300 billion savings through to 2035. We would love you to join us on our Friday Action on Burwood Highway, catching the morning rush.
Frydo Fridays: the Colossal Fossil Awards
Frydo Fridays are back! Join Frydo Fridays' COP26 award night to offer the Colossal Fossil award to Treasurer Frydosaurus, who has been lashing out with pots of public money to subsidise massive fossil fuel expansion.

Why are we paying to subsidise fossil fuel expansion against scientific findings and the international consensus, risking our children's future? What can we do to make our future better? Hear from Australian Conservation Foundation's democracy campaigner, Jolene Elberth on how to reclaim our democracy. Dress up, dress down, and have fun! Musical instruments are welcome.
Clean Energy – Let’s Get on With It: Chisholm Votes Climate Friday Action, December 3
Let's make climate #1 in 2022 to secure a cleaner, more prosperous and sustainable future. Chisholm is on a knife edge, with a margin of well under 1%. Join us every Friday morning to kickstart the Chisholm #VotesClimate campaign!

Investing in clean energy means more jobs and lowered energy bills. Ernst & Young, in a report for the World Wildlife Fund, found that accelerating investment in clean energy exports would add 395,000 new jobs and $89 billion in new trade through to 2040. Rewiring Australia recently calculated that a modest $12 billion investment in electrifying our homes and cars would result in $5000 annual savings per household, returning over $300 billion savings through to 2035. We would love you to join us on our Friday Action on Burwood Highway, catching the morning rush.
Superpower 2022 with Simon Holmes à Court
This is time to seize the change and superpower 2022! Join us for Simon Holmes à Court's annual energy update - now online.

Global capital is fleeing the fossil industries as more and more countries are accelerating their transition to clean energy, pledge to cut methane, and seizing first mover opportunities in more difficult sectors like green steel, cement and transport. Australia is so well positioned to take advantage of this unstoppable transition with world beating amounts of renewable resources, minerals and a suitable workforce.
Make Solar Easy – March 16
Rooftop solar is more popular than ever! Slashing energy bills while lowering household carbon emissions, installing solar pays for itself in around 3 - 6 years. However, for many people, the biggest barrier is access to trustworthy information. This is where the Metro Community Power Hub (MCPH) can help – by offering independent advice and connecting you with trusted suppliers and discounted solar through the MCPH Solar and All-Electric Home program.

Lachlan Hensey, MCPH Energy Advisor at Yarra Energy Foundation, will take us through the typical journey of a household seeking solar. He’ll offer advice on sizing your system appropriately, how to make the most out of your system, and overcoming potential challenges. He’ll also outline what other steps you can take to enhance your comfort at home while reducing your energy expenses and carbon emissions.
Climate Hopes and Reflections – An evening with your State MPs
Let's get to know our State MPs and hear their thoughts and reflections on the year that was. We are delighted that three of our local leaders will be joining discuss their hopes for climate action in 2022. This is our chance to ask our MPs questions. What can these leaders do to help our community make the transition to a clean energy future?

Lighter Footprints welcomes John Kennedy, the Member for Hawthorn, Paul Hamer, the Member for Box Hill and Will Fowles, the Member for Burwood. Did you know both Paul Hamer and Will Fowles sit on Parliament's Environment and Planning committee or that Paul Hamer is particularly passionate about transport, or that John Kennedy regularly attends our events? All three MPs care about climate. Let's find out what they hope can be achieved in 2022.
Make Solar Easy
Rooftop solar is so popular - slashing energy bill costs, lowering your carbon footprints and paying for itself in around 3 - 6 years. However for many people, the biggest barrier is access to the right information. This is where the Metro Community Power Hub (MCPH) can offer independent advice, connecting you with trusted suppliers and discounted solar.

Peter Mercouriou, MCPH Manager and experienced solar advisor, will guide us through a discussion on the right kind of setup, what sort of panels, heritage factors, whether a battery should be included, and how the MCPH can help with choosing suppliers and installers. The program only works with carefully vetted installers and offers discounts of up to 20% off.
Going it alone! What States can do for Climate Action
Where can we move on climate in Victoria given Australia's conflicted policy landscape? The Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, The Hon. Lily D'Ambrosio, will outline Victoria's progress towards climate targets, and opportunities for further action despite Federal roadblocks.

After hearing from the Minister, she will be joined in conversation with Simon Holmes a Court, Senior Advisor to the Climate and Energy College, Melbourne University. The evening will be facilitated by Victoria McKenzie-McHarg, Strategic Director, Women Environmental Leadership Australia. There will be time for audience questions.
Learn more about Boroondara’s Climate Action Plan
This is your chance to engage with Council and find out ways we can encourage climate action at the local level! We will be joined by our Mayor, Cr Garry Thompson, Cr Wes Gault and the Coordinator for Environment Sustainability, Mathew Dixon, who will explain Boroondara's new Climate Action Plan and to give us an indication of how we can be involved.

Council hopes to have finalised the action plan and the accompanying two year implementation plan by the time of our 29 September meeting. Join us to learn more about this new approach by Boroondara, and how we can support and strengthen climate action right here in our own locality.
Protecting Victoria’s Forests
Why are Victoria’s forests so special? Join Sarah Rees and Dr Chris Taylor for an update on Victoria’s remaining forests, and what we can do to save what is left.

Join us on Wednesday 25 August to hear about the latest updates in the fight to protect Victoria's forests. Sarah Rees and Dr Chris Taylor live and breathe forest protection, contributing to research and conservation initiatives for Victoria’s forests, bushfire, logging and the proposed Great Forest National Park.
The Fully Electric Home and the Fight Against Gas
Join us on Wednesday 28 July to hear about transitioning your home to be fully electric and the continuing fight against plans for gas expansion and the "gas fired recovery".

A fully electric home is more efficient, saves money and protects our families' health. learn from Friends of the Earth's Cam Walker about the impact of the end of Victoria’s moratorium on onshore conventional gas, the fight against new gas happening around the country, and how we can be involved to protect our future. Energy advisor and electrification activist Tim Forcey will show us the benefits of moving away from gas to a fully electric home, and the steps involved in this transition.
Community Batteries: Getting ahead of the curve
Wouldn’t it be good to sign up to a community battery that stores your excess and releases it back later saving you money and supporting the grid? Victorian trials are underway and the Victorian Government has a new Neighbourhood Battery funding program. Community batteries will be a real option very soon.

Many of us would rather forgo the initial $5-10,000 investment and associated installation required for behind-the-meter storage in favour of a simpler approach, that also offers a more efficient use of battery technology, where power is shared at a local community level. Yarra Energy Foundation’s Chris Wallan and Greg Hannan from Citipower/United Energy will talk to us about this new approach to energy storage that will also help smooth the way to a higher level of clean energy in the grid, including Yarra Energy Foundation and Citipower’s new “shovel ready” community battery initiative. Unless Covid restrictions change, we are very likely to be holding this event online - final confirmation 72 hours before.
Climate For Change: Come and Join the Conversation
For our first in person meeting in since 2019 we are doing something special! Bring a friend and join us at 6:30pm for a casual pizza dinner followed by a facilitated climate conversation.

We know that having conversations with neighbours, friends and relatives is a way of bringing people on the journey towards climate awareness and action. At this meeting we will be joined by Climate for Change trained facilitators who will help us to have these effective climate conversations.
Climate Targets & Tariffs: Australia on the World Stage
Climate targets and tariffs - will Australia be an international pariah or climate leader? How do we break through Australia's climate policy barriers? Join us on Wednesday 28 April to explore the rapidly shifting international climate change context.

Australia now faces an international community that is increasingly demanding significant climate change action and threatening penalties for those who do not play ball.
Is a ‘gas-led recovery’ a road to nowhere?
Join us on Wednesday 31st March 2021 to hear from two excellent Speakers – Tony Wood and Bruce Mountain – on where gas fits into the picture for the Australian and Victorian energy mixes. So where to now ? What does moving away from gas look like?

'Tony Wood will outline how Gas used to be cheap, but is not now. Gas is a fossil fuel - so we need to be moving away from gas. There are key three sectors or uses for Gas here in Australia. Tony will look at how we make the big shift in these 3 key areas. (20 minutes). 'Bruce Mountain will be discussing work that the Victorian Energy Policy Centre has done to understand the greenhouse gas, investment and energy price implications of replacing gas with electricity in Victoria's households, with various target completion dates.' (20 minutes) Q&A (20 minutes).
2021: Riding The Clean Energy Wave
Join us at 7:30pm on Wednesday 24 February 2021 talking about opportunities to ride the clean energy wave with energy insider, Simon Holmes a Court. PLEASE NOTE: due to RSVP demand and strict COVID restrictions on audience numbers at our usual venues, we are moving this event online to Zoom. We hope to return to physical meetings as soon as we are able.

2021 looks to be a watershed year for the clean energy transition - as investment giant Black Rock's CEO Larry Fink says we are cresting a "tsunami of change" in green finance, storage, with hydrogen and green steel just over the horizon. Simon Holmes a Court is a senior advisor to the Climate and Energy College at Melbourne University and sits on the Board of the Smart Energy Council. Simon is a long-time renewables energy analyst with a strong interest in both renewables powered industry, and strong sustainable communities, and will be talking about the opportunities in the clean energy transition and how we can help drive this.
Reflections and Hopes from our Local State MPs
Join us at 7:45pm to give a special thank you to long-serving Convenor Carolyn Ingvarson, before a personal discussion with our local State MPs on the year that was and the year to come at 8:15pm.

We look to our parliamentary representatives for leadership on climate and the environment. This month we've asked them to share with us their thoughts, feelings and ideas about the year that’s been - and also their hopes for the year to come.
The Fight for our Forests
Our forests are under threat. They host a wealth of biodiversity, harvest water and form a natural buffer against climate change. Fortunately dedicated community organisations are taking up the fight. Recent victories in the courts have given hope but there is still much more to do.

This event will introduce you to the people who actually took the battle to VicForests in the courts and saved 66 logging coupes, and the endangered species they contain, from destruction. But you will hear how VicForests is now challenging the ruling. You will also hear about the Bob Brown Foundation's recently launched Great Forest Case and the implications for all of Australia's forests.
Boroondara Candidates Forum
Council elections are finally here for 2020! Don't miss this chance to ask climate and other questions of your ward candidates, and find out what their plans are for a climate-friendly future for Boroondara.

Join us at 7:30pm for an opening address from environmental documentary maker Craig Reucassel before we break out into separate ward events to hear from the election candidates. Instructions and links for joining the ward events will be provided to you on the night.
Councils stepping up on climate action
Join us to discover how councils can lead the charge on climate. What does best-practice climate action look like at a local government level? What are some Melbourne councils currently doing to spearhead emissions cuts?

To help explore some exciting local solutions we’ll be joined by three sitting Councillors: Cr Amanda Stone from Yarra City, as well as Cr Prue Cutts and Cr Tina Liu from Whitehorse. They’ll be joined by Hannah Snape, Climate Program Manager at Ironbark Consulting - a leading sustainability solutions firm that assists local governments across the country with their climate action plans.
Climate: listening to an Indigenous perspective
Join us for an honest look at the relationship between the climate movement and Indigenous Australians. Do we walk the talk and, if not, how can we do better?

Recent police murders of African Americans in the US and the Black Lives Matter movement are causing Australians to reflect on the systemic racism that forms part of our society. The climate movement is not immune and we can learn from the values connection between environmental degradation and inequality. Lidia Thorpe - former MP for Northcote, soon to be Victorian Senator, Gunnai-Gunditjmara woman and long-time champion of Indigenous rights in Victoria and Australia will explore these confronting issues with us.
Communications success: engaging with your MPs on climate change
Join us for an inside look at successfully engaging with your elected MP: including leads and steps to help you book your meetings.

Sue Dwyer from Climate for Change and Katherine Barraclough from Doctors for the Environment join us for an evening of confidence-building and communications strategy. What do you need to reach out to your MP for a meeting? What are good ways to build constructive, long-term relationships with your elected reps? Using their own experiences as a guide Sue and Katherine will help you feel ready to take the first step, and we have some basic activities planned to help build your confidence. Join on Zoom (from 7:30pm) or Facebook Live (from 7:45pm).
Anna Skarbek – Decarbonisation Futures
Join us as ClimateWorks CEO Anna Skarbek breaks down her organisation's latest report: a vision for a net-zero Australia by 2050.

ClimateWorks CEO Anna Skarbek joins us to take her through her organisation’s latest report - a detailed, sector-by-sector blueprint for Australia to reach net-zero emissions by 2050. Join us to learn more about the opportunities and challenges of decarbonisation, and what it will take for an “all in” approach to succeed. Join us online via Zoom (from 7:30pm) or via Facebook Live (from 7:45pm)
ECAM & Lighter Footprints Community Meeting
Join ECAM and Lighter Footprints for a community meeting: "Local Government’s role in climate change action"

With a focus on the Canterbury to Box Hill area, ECAM and Lighter Footprints are providing an opportunity for concerned local citizens to hear from four commited, active locals: Josh Fergeus (Chair of Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action, and Monash Councillor), Steph Liow and Thomas White (local School Strikers) and Bryony Edwards (Co-founder of Council and Community Action in the Climate Emergency). Join us on Zoom from 7:30pm, register using the link below.
Simon Holmes a Court – Building the Recovery
Find out the latest from energy insider Simon Holmes a Court!

Energy expert Simon Holmes a Court will update us on the current energy picture. He will give us his take on how we can move forward to shape the transition towards renewables and build a better future. Join us online via Zoom (from 7:30pm) or via Facebook Live (from 7:45pm)
Climate, the Financial Sector and Shareholder Action
Join us online for this event with Market Forces!

Heard of Market Forces? Financial climate activism is driving the flight of global capital away from fossil corporates! Campaigners Pablo Brait and Rachel Deans explain how together we can hold corporates accountable, drive divestment, and protect the planet through funding the clean energy transition. It's time to make our funds, banks and insurance companies part of the solution!
Implementation Day: Get Involved with Lighter Footprints’ Action Groups
Do you want to contribute to the work of Lighter Footprints on climate but aren't sure how? Come and find out what we do. Join us for an afternoon program on getting involved with our action groups on Sunday March 15 from 2-5pm. If you are short of time you can drop in from 2.45pm for afternoon tea and a self paced tour of the group tables and a chat. Carolyn will present a report back on February's Strategic Planning Day, we take a deeper dive into the work of our working groups and support groups, and you will have an opportunity to find a place for your skills and your concern for the climate.

We would love to talk to you about what kind of volunteering would work for you. Come and meet fellow Lighter Footprints members and supporters who are the powerhouse of Lighter Footprints’ climate action at local, State and Federal levels. Our action groups include Energy Transition, Local Government, Climate Emergency, Letter Writers and Speakers, Communications and more. You can contribute as much or as little as you have time for, using skills you have now, learning new skills or just offer a helping hand at events. Whether you are a policy nut, great at social media, keen on clean energy transition, want to support climate candidates, good with new visitors, or are fantastic at combining letter dropping leaflets with daily walks, we need you. Our working group and support group leaders would love to meet you and learn more about how you can contribute to climate action in Boroondara and Kooyong.
2020 Vision with Simon Holmes à Court
DUE TO OVERWHELMING INTEREST, THIS EVENT IS NOW FULL - With federal energy policy missing on energy and climate, and with public calls for emergency action, what can be done? Simon Holmes à Court has an international perspective on how energy policy is impacting practice in countries that take climate action seriously. Join us at the Marwal Centre to hear his vision for Australia in 2020 and beyond. 7 pm for 7:30 pm for a glass of wine, nibbles and a warm welcome!

Simon Holmes à Court is senior advisor to the Energy Transition Hub at Melbourne University and sits on the advisory board of the Melbourne Energy Institute. He has been a pioneering force in the Australian community energy movement, as the founding chair of Hepburn Wind, the country’s first community owned wind farm, and founder of Embark Australia, a non-profit consultancy helping communities share in the benefits of local renewable energy. Simon writes regularly on the technical and political aspects of the energy transition.
Powering Up Summer
Cut through the spin and find fresh solutions to Victoria's summer heat and energy problems!

Toss energy experts Dylan McConnell and Ric Brazzale your trickiest questions, and find out more about how Victoria could lever affordable approaches like demand management, energy efficiency and load shedding into effective remedies for those summertime energy blues.
Living in the Clean Economy
Lighter Footprints is excited to present Prof Tom Kompas, Prof Peter Newman and Anthea Harris on the benefits of a low carbon economy, and the case for a faster transition.

Tom Kompas is an expert in Environmental Economics and is the lead author of a high level business case on a faster transition to a clean economy for Victoria and Queensland. His work details avoiding the massive costs of inaction (conservatively $584 billion by 2030), and three to one benefits for a faster transition to a clean economy. Peter Newman AO is an IPCC Lead Author and a much lauded sustainability expert. He will bring global perspectives and a vision of what living the clean economy could bring to communities. Anthea Harris leads the newly formed Energy Group at DEWLP and brings a Victorian perspective.
Agriculture, Regeneration & Climate
Our modern industrial agricultural monocultures are a vast climate problem but agriculture should be a source of climate innovation, reducing emissions and restoring our soils.

Conventional agriculture has led to loss of soil carbon, declining soil productivity and desertification, and in the face of heat, droughts and floods, this has become worse.
Hydrogen: The Coming Wave
The hydrogen economy is coming whether we like it or not. Can we get a place in the game, and take up hydrogen’s massive export opportunities in a carbon constrained world?

Soon the hydrogen economy will be humming. Are we going to be left out in the cold?
Waste and Climate: Problem or Opportunity
Household scraps or valuable garden compost? Rubbish or biochar? Broken bottles or tougher roads? Let's apply our imagination in building a better future.

Waste management is a key area to lower carbon emissions and build value instead of costs.