Safeguarding our Climate

Location: Kew Seniors Centre, 533 High St, Kew
Heavy emitters need to pull their weight - we need real climate action not exemptions and reliance on unlimited dodgy offsets.
The safeguard mechanism is part of a federal policy framework intended to manage and reduce carbon emissions from Australia’s biggest climate polluting companies. Dr Jennifer Rayner, Climate Council's Head of Advocacy, will lay out why it is so important that the heaviest emitters be pulled into line on emissions reductions, and the need to campaign to cease new oil and gas. Leigh Ewbank, Senior Climate Outreach Manager for Solutions, Climate Action Network Australia will outline current campaigns to put pressure on the heavy emitters and how you can get involved.
Dr Jennifer Rayner leads policy and political engagement across all levels of Australian Government for the Climate Council. She will consider key demands to get legislation that will reduce emissions rather than relying on offsets, a look at exemptions, and the need to campaign to cease new oil and gas.
Leigh Ewbank has been campaigning across communities for climate justice since the mid 2000s, helping Victorians reach ambitious Victorian Renewable Energy Targets and stronger Emissions Reduction Targets. The ‘Dirty Dozen’ campaign is designed to pressure the top twelve emitters into real action, putting pressure on the heavy emitters and the federal government for Safeguard Mechanism legislation and regulation that has ‘teeth’.
Please join us at 7:00 pm for a 7:30 pm start, at the Kew Seniors Centre, 533 High St, Kew.