2021: Riding The Clean Energy Wave

Location: Zoom + Facebook Live
Join us at 7:30pm on Wednesday 24 February 2021 talking about opportunities to ride the clean energy wave with energy insider, Simon Holmes a Court. PLEASE NOTE: due to RSVP demand and strict COVID restrictions on audience numbers at our usual venues, we are moving this event online to Zoom. We hope to return to physical meetings as soon as we are able.
2021 looks to be a watershed year for the clean energy transition - as investment giant Black Rock's CEO Larry Fink says we are cresting a "tsunami of change" in green finance, storage, with hydrogen and green steel just over the horizon. Simon Holmes a Court is a senior advisor to the Climate and Energy College at Melbourne University and sits on the Board of the Smart Energy Council. Simon is a long-time renewables energy analyst with a strong interest in both renewables powered industry, and strong sustainable communities, and will be talking about the opportunities in the clean energy transition and how we can help drive this.
2021 will be a pivotal year for the energy transition. The world conversation around global action on climate change is changing. The UN Secretary General has urged all countries to declare a climate emergency and corporates around the world are now taking action to protect themselves from climate risk and position themselves in a de-carbonised world.
Australia must change or be left behind. Simon has the insight to be able to identify the opportunities for our economy and environment in 2021 and beyond. What needs to happen next in the electricity sector? What role does he see for batteries, gas and pumped hydro? What role will Hydrogen play? Is Australia missing out on opportunities by being slow on EV uptake ?
Hear Simon’s take on these topics, as well as his sense of how Lighter Footprints can make a difference in 2021.
COVID-19 requirements:
Unfortunately strict caps on audience numbers at our usual venues have meant we will be shifting this event online so as many people as possible can attend. Hopefully restrictions ease and we will be able to accommodate our usual crowds soon. In the meantime we will be trialing a hybrid event setup (a limited in-person audience and Zoom feed) to try and get in-person events happening again – for those who are comfortable of course.