Simon Holmes a Court – Building the Recovery

Location: Zoom and Facebook Live
Find out the latest from energy insider Simon Holmes a Court!
Energy expert Simon Holmes a Court will update us on the current energy picture. He will give us his take on how we can move forward to shape the transition towards renewables and build a better future. Join us online via Zoom (from 7:30pm) or via Facebook Live (from 7:45pm)
Simon, a long-term friend of Lighter Footprints, has kindly agreed to join us for a presentation and discussion about the energy sector in the context of a COVID-19 economic recovery. We have heard Energy Minister Angus Taylor talk about a gas-led recovery. Is this the way to go? What investment is needed and what role should government play? You will have an opportunity to ask questions via the Zoom chat function. Get an expert’s view on where the energy sector is heading and the crucial steps that need to be taken to speed us along the transition path. The government is now working out how to stimulate the economy. Let’s encourage our elected representatives to look forward for solutions instead of back to the same old fossil fuels.