Clean Energy – Let’s Get on With It: Chisholm Votes Climate Friday Action, December 17

Location: Outside 140 Burwood Highway, Burwood
Let's make climate #1 in 2022 to secure a cleaner, more prosperous and sustainable future. Chisholm is on a knife edge, with a margin of well under 1%. Join us every Friday morning to kickstart the Chisholm #VotesClimate campaign! We'll be focussing our Friday 17th action on clean energy jobs.
Investing in clean energy means more jobs and lowered energy bills. Ernst & Young, in a report for the World Wildlife Fund, found that accelerating investment in clean energy exports would add 395,000 new jobs and $89 billion in new trade through to 2040. Rewiring Australia recently calculated that a modest $12 billion investment in electrifying our homes and cars would result in $5000 annual savings per household, returning over $300 billion savings through to 2035. We would love you to join us on our Friday Action on Burwood Highway, catching the morning rush.
Australia has enormous potential for clean energy exports, but our politicians are holding us back, insisting on expanding coal and gas, against global trends and scientific advice. Our Minister for Emissions Reduction, Angus Taylor, even platformed Santos at the Glasgow climate conference, declaring that Australia is a great place for investment in fossil fuels.
Chisholm voters deserve accurate information about their Federal candidates’ climate policies, minus the spin. Our climate is at a tipping point, we have little time, and we need to elect politicians who will put our kids’ and ordinary Australians interests ahead large fossil fuel donors.
Whether its a few hours at pre-poll or polling day, turning up on Friday mornings or helping with organisation or publicity your help is valuable. There are so many ways to help – check out our Chisholm Votes Climate page where you can sign up to keep in touch or volunteer, and lend your support to our new Vote Climate Facebook and Twitter accounts.
(1) Ernst & Young/ WWF: Clean Energy Exports Report
(2) Rewiring Australia: Castles and Cars Report
(3) Adam Morton, The Guardian, “Angus Taylor to promote fossil fuels at Glasgow Cop26 climate summit” Oct 28, 2021