Community Batteries: Getting ahead of the curve
Location: Marwal Centre, 9 Marwal Avenue, Balwyn Nth, 3104l
Wouldn’t it be good to sign up to a community battery that stores your excess and releases it back later saving you money and supporting the grid? Victorian trials are underway and the Victorian Government has a new Neighbourhood Battery funding program. Community batteries will be a real option very soon.
Many of us would rather forgo the initial $5-10,000 investment and associated installation required for behind-the-meter storage in favour of a simpler approach, that also offers a more efficient use of battery technology, where power is shared at a local community level. Yarra Energy Foundation’s Chris Wallan and Greg Hannan from Citipower/United Energy will talk to us about this new approach to energy storage that will also help smooth the way to a higher level of clean energy in the grid, including Yarra Energy Foundation and Citipower’s new “shovel ready” community battery initiative. Unless Covid restrictions change, we are very likely to be holding this event online - final confirmation 72 hours before.
Chris Wallin works for Yarra Energy Foundation, and currently leads a project to launch Community batteries into the City of Yarra. As an experienced electrical engineer on large industrial installations, and a seasoned business professional in the technology sector, Chris’ focus is to accelerate the uptake of renewable energy in the City of Yarra and beyond for both business and community.
Greg Hannan is the Head of Network Strategy and Non-network Solutions for CitiPower, Powercor and United Energy, and is working with YEF and Yarra on the Community Battery project. Greg is a senior leader in utilities across Network Strategy, Asset Management, Commercial and Regulation roles. Greg brings experience from five regulated energy networks and government and has proven results driving change and innovation.
Marwal Centre, June 30: 7 for 7.30pm
Come to Lighter Footprint’s Community Batteries event online 7.30pm June 30, or at the Marwal Centre, North Balwyn if Covid restrictions change, to find out more about this exciting approach to the clean energy transition.
Community batteries, along with household and grid scale storage, will assist us in transitioning our energy system further towards 100% clean energy, furthering the uptake of rooftop solar PV, and supporting heavier demand, including for EVs.