Hydrogen: The Coming Wave
Wednesday, August 28, 2019 7:00pm - 9:30pm
Location: Marwal Centre, Balwyn North
Location: Marwal Centre, Balwyn North
The hydrogen economy is coming whether we like it or not. Can we get a place in the game, and take up hydrogen’s massive export opportunities in a carbon constrained world?
Soon the hydrogen economy will be humming. Are we going to be left out in the cold?
Find out key information about the global progress in the hydrogen industry, and how we can move towards energy independence in 100% clean liquid fuels, particularly in those difficult to decarbonise transport and industrial sectors.
Wednesday 28th August, 7 for 7.30pm – 9.15pm. Arrive early for delicious nibbles and a glass of wine beforehand.
Contact Person: Carolyn Ingvarson, ci@the.inter.net.au, 0411 115 186