Climate Targets & Tariffs: Australia on the World Stage

Location: Zoom + Facebook Live
Climate targets and tariffs - will Australia be an international pariah or climate leader? How do we break through Australia's climate policy barriers? Join us on Wednesday 28 April to explore the rapidly shifting international climate change context.
Australia now faces an international community that is increasingly demanding significant climate change action and threatening penalties for those who do not play ball.
We will be joined by Richie Merzian, Climate and Energy Program Director at the Australia Institute and Glen Klatovsky, Chief Strategist at Climate Action Network Australia, the peak body for Australian climate NGO’s. Both Glen and Richie have extensive experience evaluating Australia’s role on the world stage.

Glen Klatovsky – Chief Strategist Climate Action Network Australia

Richie Merzian – Australia Institute Climate and Energy Program Director
President Biden is taking climate action seriously and has called a conference with world leaders on Earth Day, 22 May. The G7 conference in the U.K. in June has a climate COVID recovery on the Agenda and COP 26 is looming. This year’s COP – the 26th edition of the United Nations’ climate conference – will be held in November in Glasgow, and some consider it to be the last real chance the world has to keep global warming below 2 degrees.
Join us at 7:30pm, Wednesday 28 April on Zoom and Facebook Live. Get informed! Find out what you can do to encourage Australia to be a responsible world citizen.