
Historic Clean Air Act petition

The Center for Biological Diversity and filed an historic Clean Air Act petition with the EPA today asking the agency to scientifically determine the safe atmospheric CO2 level, just as its does with six other pollutants judged to endanger to human health and...

November 2009 highlights

Past climate anomalies explained Lead paragraphs from the BBC story: "Unusually warm and cold periods in Earth's pre-industrial climate history are linked to how the oceans responded to temperature changes, say scientists. The researchers focused particularly on...

Walk against warming 2009

Walk against warming 2009

Walk Against Warming 12pm Saturday 12 December State Library, Swanston Street Walk Against Warming is Australia's biggest day of community action on climate change. The Melbourne event will begin at 12pm, Saturday 12 December at the State Library, Swanston Street. As...

Run for a Safe Climate

Run for a Safe Climate 2pm Sunday 29 November St Kilda Sea Baths, St Kilda Run for a Safe Climate is a 6000 Kms run, from Cooktown to Melbourne. Twenty-five emergency workers, policemen and fireman, are running to raise awareness of the need for a strong government...

Deniers and ‘debate’

An extract from George Monbiot, relevant to Australia in that he's on Plimer's case . . . "Creationists and climate change deniers have this in common: they don’t answer their critics. They make what they say are definitive refutations of the science. When these...

2009 A.V.G. Lecture – Dr Paul Sinclair

Please see the below flyer for Camberwell High School's event "Our Environment - Time to Act Now!" To be held at 7.30pm in the Sssembly Hall on Wed 2 September 2009. Pls RSVP to 9836 0555 by Mon 24 Aug.

August 2009 highlights

How psychology can help the planet stay cool A perennial problem faced by people trying to promote environmental issues is how not to bamboozle people with environmental scare stories, thus bringing about a state of apathy because it's too late to do anything! The...

July 2009 highlights

Slamming the climate skeptic scame Post from Jim Hoggan's blog explaining climate change scepticism in the context of public relations. The PR practitioner's task is to move the public perception in the desired direction, i.e. one that is more favourable to the...

June 2009 highlights

June 2009 highlights

Copenhagen Synthesis Report In March the biggest climate conference of the year took place in Copenhagen: 2500 participants from 80 countries, 1400 scientific presentations. Last week, the Synthesis Report of the Copenhagen Congress was handed over to the Danish Prime...

May 2009 highlights

How much extra will putting a price on carbon add to the household power bill? The result of course depends on what price is set for carbon by the Federal Government. Currently this is $10 per tonne, although a recent report suggests the price is not expected to...

Brown Mountain – destruction complete!

Brown Mountain – destruction complete!

An urgent message from Jill Redwood of Environment East Gippsland . . . These were taken yesterday - VicForests mission accomplished. This ancient stand of 600(plus) year old forest has now been fully annihilated and ready for conversion to a palm-oil plantation. Or...

Moreland Climate Group Event

CLIMATE CHANGE: What should the Federal Government be doing? A debate and community discussion on climate change. Kelvin Thomson, MP, Labor Member for Wills David Spratt, Co-author of Climate Code Red: The Case for Emergency Action 7pm, April 20, Coburg Concert Hall,...

How to buy an energy efficient refrigerator/freezer, by Mick Nolan

  1. This is a very quick note to let you know that after some research, the Nolan's have purchased an energy efficient refrigerator freezer. Electrolux came out on top in our decision.........they have released a new range in 2008 that are 5 star, Australian...

Climate protest closes down senator’s office!

Climate protest closes down senator’s office!

The lights were on, but no-one was home . . .         Today at 10.30, Lighter Footprints took part in a nationwide action to highlight the woeful inadequacy of the government's action on climate change. We'd contacted Senator Jacinta Collins before...

Join us for climate action this Friday!

LIGHTER FOOTPRINTS Media Release 20 March, 2009 SENATOR JACINTA COLLINS TAKES CLIMATE CHANGE HEAT Whitehorse and Boroondara residents will demand strong action on climate change from Senator Jacinta Collins at a protest at her Box Hill Office on Friday March 27....

March 2009 highlights

March 2009 highlights

How many tonnes of GHG emisisons do Victoria's coal-fired power stations release each week? The answer? "The average weekly emissions from coal-fired power stations [in Victoria] was 1.236 MILLION tonnes." With a population of 5.34 million (at the end of Sept 08),...

February 2009 highlights

New Boroondara mayor says no to hybrid Boroondara councillor Coral Ross handed over the mayoral chain of office to councillor Jack Wegman in Dec 2008. Cr Ross had, during her term as mayor, and in line with the council's public line on sustainability, adopted the use...

Lighter Footprints: our mission

These are the Key Strategies of Lighter Footprints. 1. Analyse opportunities and set clear priorities from our lists of projects. Communicate them to our 'supporters'. Research which groups are 'leading edge' in priority areas and join with them. 2. Contribute to the...

Getting into 2009 with Lighter Footprints!

Originally sent as an email to our members. And here we go for what promises to be a very interesting and important year ahead for 'Climate changers'! Our first commitment of the year begins on Feb 4 with our first monthly meeting - (First Wednesday of the month) It...

Boroondara Sustainability Network (BSN)

BSN was founded in late 2008. Heinz Kreutz (who also happens to be a Boroondara City councillor) called for expressions of interest from local residents, with the aim of promoting greater sustainability. This is an independent group, not linked with the Boroondara...

Membership of Lighter Footprints

This article outlines the ways in which one can participate in Lighter Footprints. We refer to participants as 'members' although there is no formal membership scheme or other requirements. 1. Lighter Footprints Action Group Members of this group participate in a...

Welcome to our new website

Today (Christmas Day 2008) we fully launch our new look website for Lighter Footprints. It is built on Google's 'Blogspot' platform, so essentially it's a blog which has been adapted and customised to our needs. Thanks go to Peter Campbell for his vision. This new...

December 2008 highlights

"Silence equals acceptance. Speak Out" Once again, Lighter Footprints took to the streets of Boroondara. This time, 5-6pm, 23 Dec at Camberwell Junction. Again raising local awareness of climate change, this time with a message to contact PM Rudd and Minister Wong to...

Shame, Shame, Shame! Government’s new 5% emission target not enough

Rudd locks in 5pc emissions cut (By ABC correspondent Emma Rodgers) Audio: Wong - you can't please everyone (AM) Related Story: Wong announces $1.4b climate change fund Related Story: Miners warn against EU-style emissions cuts "Prime Minister Kevin Rudd says...

On becoming a loon – by Carolyn Ingvarson

A couple of weeks ago some of us helped to spell out a human sign in the Alexandra Gardens. Thousands of people dressed in red made up two words - CLIMATE EMERGENCY. Where is this emergency you might ask? Surely an over-statement, from a bunch of self-interested...

