This article outlines the ways in which one can participate in Lighter Footprints. We refer to participants as ‘members’ although there is no formal membership scheme or other requirements.
1. Lighter Footprints Action Group
Members of this group participate in a range of Lighter Footprints’ activities. The Action Group meets monthly on the first Wednesday at a member’s home.
As a member of the Action Group you are invited to join one or more of our Projects and Teams for 2009:
A. Federal Government
Local Members
2010 Elections
National CAG policy and campaign coordination
B. State Government
Local Members
2010 Elections
C. Local Government
Boroondara Sustainability Network
D. Community
1. Residential Householders
2. Business Operators
3. Community Organisations
4. Transition Towns
5. LF Organisation
‘Lighter Footprints ACTION’ is our interactive email based discussion forum which keeps Action Group members informed of relevent events, up-to-date articles at the fore-front of research on climate change and actions aimed at changing the way that our community and our local, state and federal governments address climate change. It also keeps members in touch with each other through sharing issues and information.
More details on this forum are here.
You can subscribe by simply sending an blank email to this address:
2. Lighter Footprints News Group
This is an email based news group which broadcasts updates on the work of Lighter Footprints, provides articles of interest relating to climate change, sends information about relevent events and occasionally requests assistance for particular actions. News Group members can at any time join other members on projects of interest and attend events. This email broadcast service does not enable members to communicate with other members of the list.
More details on this news group are here.
You can subscribe by simply sending an blank email to this address:
3. Lighter Footprints Website & Blog
Our recently rebuilt website is combined with a blog and supplements our communications with our Action and News groups as well as providing up-t0-date information to the public. If you wish to stay in touch with our work on an informal level, you can do so by visiting this website.
You are welcome to subscribe to either or both of the Topica based news groups.
For more information on Lighter Footprints and how to register your interest in the group. please contact us.