Biochar: its role & potential – Adrian Morphett

Biochar: its role & potential – Adrian Morphett

Wednesday May 31 7 pm for 7.30 pm Guide Hall – Faversham Rd Canterbury Adrian Morphett from Earth Systems. “What is Biochar? Is it part of the solution to climate change?” Given the slow pace of emissions reductions, the drawing down of carbon and...

Boroondara’s Low Carbon Strategy

Wed May 25 7 for 7.30 PM Guide Hall – Faversham Rd Canterbury   “Where is Boroonadara headed with its Low Carbon Strategy to 2020?” Come and hear the early plans and provide input into this strategy. Speaker: Mathew Dixon Senior Sustainability...
Last Climate Tango in Paris – forum wrap-up & photos

Last Climate Tango in Paris – forum wrap-up & photos

The Last Climate Tango in Paris For those who were not able to make it to the forum on Tuesday 27 October at Hawthorn Town Hall ” The Last Climate Tango in Paris” , and have not heard how it went,  and want to know – it went well! We filled the hall...

Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action

Wednesday September 20 7 for 7.30 Guide Hall – Faversham Rd Canterbury Scott McKenry Regional Coordinator Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action (EAGA) Local to Regional Climate Action : How Eastern Region Councils are working together on climate change Before...
Bringing renewable energy online – Peter Dreher

Bringing renewable energy online – Peter Dreher

Wednesday 28th May 7 for 7.30 pm Guide Hall – Faversham Rd Canterbury Peter Dreher – Bringing Renewable Energy Online : Facts and Fiction. Peter is a corporate and projects partner at HWL Ebsworth with a specialisation in energy.
We are fortunate to have...
Ethical Investments – Michael Josephson

Ethical Investments – Michael Josephson

Wednesday 26th June 7 pm for 7.30 Canterbury Guide Hall – Faversham Rd Michael Josephson (Ethical Investment Services) How to move your super to an ethical investment so that YOU can avoid patronising companies that deal in coal, oil, tobacco, alcohol, slave...

Lighter Footprints gets a mention in the Fin Review!

Lighter Footprints received its first mention in the news pages of The Australian Financial Review recently, following several emails from us to Bill Shorten strongly urging him to continue his support for a price on carbon after the election. The following excerpt...
Say Yes Earth Relay

Say Yes Earth Relay

Over the coming few weeks, as the price on pollution is debated in Parliament, Victorian communities will come together to take part in the Earth Relay – a series of actions to symbolise support for action on climate change. Like the passage of the Olympic flame...

November 2009 highlights

Past climate anomalies explained Lead paragraphs from the BBC story: “Unusually warm and cold periods in Earth’s pre-industrial climate history are linked to how the oceans responded to temperature changes, say scientists. The researchers focused...