Lighter Footprints Forum
Sustainable suburbia – what do we need to do?
Time: Thursday 28 April 2011
Venue: Holy Trinity Church Hall, corner Union Road and Montrose Street, Surrey Hills
- The forum discussed how we can create sustainable suburbs and take responsible action on climate change while enhancing our quality of life through a sense of local community.
- It was an opportunity to be informed about local council actions and to engage in conversation about those actions.
- Welcome and introduction to Lighter Footprints, and invitation to get involved;
- Rob Gell, Environmental scientist and communicator, set the scene;
- five 10-minute presentations:
- Jane Monk, Director of State Planning Services, Department of Planning and Community Development outlined the key issues and challenges with a metropolitan perspective.
- Sustainability officers from Whitehorse Council (Ian Goodes) and Boroondara Council (Adam Hall) outlined Council solutions to meet the challenges.
- Mayors of Whitehorse Council (Ben Stennett) and Boroondara Council (Nick Tragas) outlined partnership engagement of Councils and citizen.
- Rob Gell commentary, led to questions and discussion;
- 40 minutes of questions/discussions with the presenter’s panel;
- Informal chat over a cuppa at the end.
Rob Gell
Jane Monk – Director of State Planning Services DPCD
Ian Goodes – Manager Engineering & Environmental Services
Whitehorse Council
Adam Hall – Manager Environmental & Sustainable Living
Boroondara Council
Ben Stennett – Mayor of Whitehorse Council
Nick Tragas – Mayor of Boroondara Council