Lighter Footprints Forum

Sustainable suburbia – what do we need to do?

Time: Thursday 28 April 2011

Venue: Holy Trinity Church Hall, corner Union Road and Montrose Street, Surrey Hills


  • The forum discussed how we can create sustainable suburbs and take responsible action on climate change while enhancing our quality of life through a sense of local community.
  • It was an opportunity to be informed about local council actions and to engage in conversation about those actions.


  • Welcome and introduction to Lighter Footprints, and invitation to get involved;
  • Rob Gell, Environmental scientist and communicator, set the scene;
  • five 10-minute presentations:
  1. Jane Monk, Director of State Planning Services, Department of Planning and Community Development outlined the key issues and challenges with a metropolitan perspective.
  2. Sustainability officers from Whitehorse Council (Ian Goodes) and Boroondara Council (Adam Hall) outlined Council solutions to meet the challenges.
  3. Mayors of Whitehorse Council (Ben Stennett) and Boroondara Council (Nick Tragas) outlined partnership engagement of Councils and citizen.
  • Rob Gell commentary, led to questions and discussion;
  • 40 minutes of questions/discussions with the presenter’s panel;
  • Informal chat over a cuppa at the end.

Rob Gell

Jane Monk – Director of State Planning Services DPCD

Ian Goodes – Manager Engineering & Environmental Services
Whitehorse Council

Adam Hall – Manager Environmental & Sustainable Living
Boroondara Council

Ben Stennett – Mayor of Whitehorse Council

Nick Tragas – Mayor of Boroondara Council