Gas led recovery event blog

Gas led recovery event blog

An event wrap-up:-  for further info, please contact  Mick Nolan or David Strang (‘Energy Transition Group’)   At our March 25 meeting, we were pleased and privileged to have Tony Wood from the Grattan Institute and Bruce Mountain from the Victorian...
No AGL for Westernport: an open letter to Richard Wynne

No AGL for Westernport: an open letter to Richard Wynne

Open Letter to The Hon Richard Wynne, MLA for Richmond, Victoria. Minister for Planning. AGL’s proposed gas import terminal is completely at odds with jobs, the Victorian Government’s emissions reduction targets, and a clean energy future. Dear Mr Wynne, There has...
Market Forces Wednesday 29th

Market Forces Wednesday 29th

We welcomed Rachel and Pablo from Market Forces on Wednesday 29 April to learn more about how working the financial sector can reduce emissions and shift global capital for a safer climate. You can upload the presentation slides here, and listen to the Facebook Live...
2020 Vision – Simon Holmes á Court

2020 Vision – Simon Holmes á Court

Last Wednesday 26 Feb Simon Holmes á Court offered us a terrific preview of the year ahead in climate solutions and collective action with over 100 captive audience members. So what did we learn? Where’s the climate heading? The latest projections indicate we’re...