Apr 12, 2020 | Letters, Lighter Footprints Working Groups
Lighter Footprints has a talented pool of committed letter writers. Some very good letters go unpublished. This is the first in a series of selected unpublished letters from the group that we believe will be of interest. The formats of the letters have been modified...
Mar 27, 2020 | Speaker Slides & Presentations, Taking Action
This Wednesday thirty brave members logged on to Lighter’s Footprint’s first all-Zoom meeting. Thanks so much to the participants, who are now familiarised with Zoom’s basic functions. We are looking forward to our next Zoom with Environment...
Mar 21, 2020 | Solutions, Taking Action
On Sunday afternoon February 15, a small number of us met to hear more about the recently agreed strategic plan for 2020 and to look at how we might begin to work together in actions that would work towards achieving the aims. With the growing situation of the...
Mar 9, 2020 | Climate Emergency, Climate Policy, Lighter Footprints Working Groups, Solutions, Taking Action
Energy Transition Working Group The Energy Transitions Group meets fortnightly with a focus on pulling together energy data, latest innovations and submissions to government and making climate solutions accessible to a variety of audiences. Please contact Mick Nolan...
Nov 30, 2019 | Lighter Footprints Forum, Taking Action, Thank Yous & Celebrations
When I look through the events of this year, I am taken aback with the wonderful amount of work in our community that Lighter Footprints members have achieved – our monthly meetings, small group work, forums, submissions and putting the case for climate action,...
Nov 25, 2019 | Thank Yous & Celebrations
Everyone is welcome to our Celebration BBQ, Wednesday December 11th, 6-9.30pm at the Guide Hall, 1 Faversham R, Canterbury. This will be a fantastic time to have some fun (thanks to our Celebration BBQ committee – Bill Chandler, Malcolm Cameron and John Gare...
Nov 7, 2019 | Clean Energy, Climate Damage, Speaker Slides & Presentations, Taking Action
Thanks so much for your support and attendance at our forum: “Living In The Clean Economy” SLIDESETS Here is a link to the presenter’s slides as a downloadable pptx’s, and also the Conference slides. This is easy to use. SLIDE JPGS Here are...