Wednesday October 25
7 pm for 7.30 pm
Guide Hall – Faversham Rd
You can read BZE’s new report here:
Rethinking Cement: Research Report: A pathway to zero carbon cement
The cement industry contributes 21% of all Australian emissions. There has been little interest from policymakers in decarbonising our cement industry, yet this vital part of our economy remains exposed to carbon risks. If we don’t decarbonise cement we stand little chance of achieving Paris climate goals and Australia will be left behind.
We need to quickly find a way forward for producing cement, steel, plastics, food and other vital products without carbon emissions.
Beyond Zero Emissions is writing the plan we need for a zero-emissions industry that will thrive in the zero-carbon economy of the 21st century.
Vanessa Petrie (CEO of Beyond Zero Emissions) will talk about the latest BZE report and the wider issue of decarbonising industry.
Vanessa is an experienced sustainability leader and is passionate about BZE’s role in developing achievable and affordable solutions for rapidly decarbonising the Australian economy.
Vanessa has close to 20 years’ experience working in diverse roles across local and State Government including infrastructure projects, legislative policy development, major policy reform and waste and resource recovery strategic planning. Vanessa has a Bachelor of Environmental Engineering from RMIT University and a Masters of Environment from the University of Melbourne.
In addition we have Michael Nolan to tell us about this experience with placing wall insulation into his two storey home.
Mick is currently the National Engineering & Facilities Manager at Swire Cold storage. This includes responsibility for energy opex and in recent times a new Energy Efficiency role has been created to support energy efficiency.
Mick grew up on a farm in northern Victoria near Boort. Prior to working at Swire, he worked in a number of food manufacturers in project roles, and engineering roles, over 25 years, including Cadbury, Kraft and Patties Foods.
Please join us from 7 pm for ‘meet and greet’ with food and drinks, and a 7.30 pm start.
We ask for a small donation to help cover costs.
Any issues to discuss, call Carolyn 0411 115 186