
Home Batteries – what can they do for you?

Home Batteries – what can they do for you?

 Energy independence? Cheaper power bills? Less pollution?  What can home batteries do for you? There's been a lot of buzz about batteries for home energy storage. Some pundits are talking about disconnecting from the grid. This talk takes a look at home battery...

Affordable Energy and a Safe Climate – Community Forum wrap up

Affordable Energy and a Safe Climate – Community Forum wrap up

Speakers will share expert knowledge and objective comment on the current policies of the Labor, Liberal and Green Parties and demonstrate effective pathways to achieve affordable energy and a safe climate.   The panel Tristan Edis:  Outline of the challenges...

Making Canberra sit up and take notice – David Spratt

Making Canberra sit up and take notice – David Spratt

Wednesday March 28 7 for 7:30pm Guide Hall - Faversham Rd Canterbury With a conservative elected government in Canberra, whose views and actions range from climate-denialism to inadequate policy responses, what narratives about global warming might help change the way...

Rethinking Cement – Vanessa Petrie

Rethinking Cement – Vanessa Petrie

Wednesday October 25 7 pm for 7.30 pm Guide Hall - Faversham Rd Canterbury You can read BZE's new report here: Rethinking Cement: Research Report: A pathway to zero carbon cement The cement industry contributes 21% of all Australian emissions. There has been little...

The push for Victoria’s first Climate Budget – Leigh Ewbank

The push for Victoria’s first Climate Budget – Leigh Ewbank

Wednesday September 27 7 pm for 7.30 pm Guide Hall - Faversham Rd Canterbury   Can Victoria can lead the country on climate action? The push for Vic's first climate budget Despite alarming melting of the polar icecaps and unprecedented bleaching of the Great Barrier...

My Efficient Electric Home – Tim Forcey

My Efficient Electric Home – Tim Forcey

Wednesday July 26 7 pm for 7.30 pm Guide Hall - Faversham Rd Canterbury   Tim Forcey - "My Efficient Electric Home" Tim Forcey is an independent energy advisor with over 35 years of experience.  With the University of Melbourne, Tim has researched and written...

The Big Coal Hoax – Forum wrap-up

The Big Coal Hoax – Forum wrap-up

Our (sold out) forum was packed out with 600 people who came to hear Alan Kohler and watch the the film Guarding the Galilee. What a terrific night! Video is available here. If you would like a copy of Alan Kohler's address, please email  ...

Biochar: its role & potential – Adrian Morphett

Biochar: its role & potential – Adrian Morphett

Wednesday May 31 7 pm for 7.30 pm Guide Hall - Faversham Rd Canterbury Adrian Morphett from Earth Systems. "What is Biochar? Is it part of the solution to climate change?" Given the slow pace of emissions reductions, the drawing down of carbon and carbon sequestration...

Burwood Festival 2017

Lighter Fooprints had a stall at this festival in High St Burwood on Saturday 29 April. Our solar model attracts attention, and a letter to our local member Josh Frydenberg was signed by 50 people.        

Unraveling the energy policy debate – Alan Pears

Unraveling the energy policy debate – Alan Pears

Wednesday April 26 7 pm for 7.30 pm Guide Hall - Faversham Rd Canterbury Alan Pears (RMIT University)  "Unravelling today's energy policy debate and finding paths to a clean, affordable and reliable energy future." Click here for Alan Pears' presentation from the...

Climate Conversations – Suzie Raffe

Climate Conversations – Suzie Raffe

Climate Conversations - How to talk about the things that matter to us. If we want climate change on the political agenda, we need a population that cares enough to vote for a government that takes action. Social research shows that whilst mass media raises awareness,...

Ashburton Festival 2017

Good day talking with local residents, to the extent we ran out of letters to sign to Minister Frydenberg! Solar Model again very popular.

Glenferrie Rd Festival 2017

Glenferrie Rd Festival 2017

We ran stall at this festival,  had hundreds of letters signed to Minister Frydenberg and to the CEO of Westpac bank!                  

An agenda for net-zero emissions – Adam Majcher

An agenda for net-zero emissions – Adam Majcher

Wednesday February 22 7 pm for 7.30 pm Guide Hall - Faversham Rd Canterbury Adam Majcher (ClimateWorks) Progressing Australia's net - zero emissions agenda What are the main opportunities for 2017 and what does the transition to 2050 require? Adam Majcher from...

Adani Protest December 2017

Adani Protest December 2017

Adani Coal Mine Protest @ Treasury Place Over one thousand protesters attended a rally at 48 hours notice to protest government funding of the rail line or any other feature associated with Government support for the Adani coal mine in Queensland.      ...

Victoria’s approach to climate action – Lily D’Ambrosio

Victoria’s approach to climate action – Lily D’Ambrosio

At its final meeting for the year, Lighter Footprints, the local climate change action group, attracted a bumper crowd to hear Lily D’Ambrosio, Minister for Energy, Environment, Climate Change and Suburban Development, explain the State Government’s commitment and...

Faith, literature, psychology & climate change – expert panel

Wednesday 26 October 7.00 pm for 7.30 start Guide Hall - Faversham Rd Canterbury "Stories of hope, healing and meaning" Faith, literature and psychology all deal with what it is to be human and find meaning in our world. How can we tap into this wisdom in the context...

Follow up from June Forum – pollies catch up for coffee!

At our Box Hill Town Hall forum on June 16, the three political panelists were asked if they would meet together for a coffee after the election-no matter what the result, and talk about common ground for climate change. Today they met! We will hope that this is the...

Glenferrie Rotary Club Talk

Carolyn Ingvarson spoke on Climate Change to the Glenferrie Rotary Club on October 11. Click here for her presentation slides. Carolyn Ingvarson and Carol Benson - President of Glenferrie Rotary Club.

Local Government Elections & climate – David Meiklejohn

Local Government Elections & climate – David Meiklejohn

What more could our new Boroondara Council do to step up on the environment? Hear about what makes for best practice in local government. Meet your local Council candidates & ask them questions (all candidates from all 10 wards have been invited). Council...

