CANA (Climate Action Network Australia) is a network of over 70 Australia non-government groups working for action on climate change. It is the Australian arm of Climate Action Network International.
In November this year CANA approved Lighter Footprints as a member, which gives us access to the latest climate change science and policy and campaigning in Australia and internationally. CANA has access to the civil societies activities at the international climate change negotiations.
In addition we became part of the processes established to work on joint domestic and international advocacy with other CANA members, and can participate fully in the annual conference.
Our membership means that we support the objects of CANA:
- To provide a forum for members to work together on campaigns and projects to reduce Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions to ecologically sustainable levels;
- To formulate and promote policies to reduce Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions and to ensure that Australia is part of the international agreements to make the pollution reductions necessary to avoid and mitigate climate change;
- To encourage co-operation and develop strategic alliances to help advance the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions;
- To encourage the active involvement and interest of the Australian community in campaigns to reduce Australia’s impact on the atmosphere;
- To represent Australia and contribute to the objects and purposes of the Climate Acton Network International as documented in the CAN Charter.
For further information on CANA see