The Oxfam Photographic Exhibition of the Pacific Islands was launched at Q.P.O. in Kew, Victoria Australia on September 14.
Named ‘Land is Life,’ the exhibition contains photos taken by Rodney Dekker of Tuvalu and Kirabati. It was MC’ed by Carolyn Ingvarson of Lighter Footprints. This exhibition demonstrates that climate change is already having an impact on daily life.
As part of the program, Jade Ingvarson-Favretto sang her original song ‘Beautiful Earth’. Jade’s song matched the mood of this occasion. Other special guests included Josh Frydenberg (Federal Member for Kooyong) who launched the Exhibition, and Oxfam CEO Andrew Hewett who sponsored it.
From left: Andrew Hewett CEO of Oxfam, Josh Frydenberg Federal Member for Kooyong, MC Carolyn Ingvarson Convenor of Lighter Footprints, Ethan McGrath and Emeretta Cross Representatives of the Pacific Islands.