Lighter Footprints at Kew Festival

Lighter Footprints at Kew Festival

Our active team of stall volunteers were busy again at the Kew Festival on Saturday 24 March, this time accompanied by a large thermometer and inflatable globe to highlight the issue of dangerous global warming. We collected letters addressed to State Premier Ted...
Ashburton Community Festival stall

Ashburton Community Festival stall

With a hot northerly blowing and temperatures in the mid-thirties, Lighter Footprints was out and about on Sunday 26 February spreading the message about climate change at the Ashburton Community Festival. This followed a similar effort at the Sustainable Living...

Boroondara Sustainability Network (BSN)

BSN was founded in late 2008. Heinz Kreutz (who also happens to be a Boroondara City councillor) called for expressions of interest from local residents, with the aim of promoting greater sustainability. This is an independent group, not linked with the Boroondara...