The political landscape has been changed in Kooyong!
Congratulations to the new Member for Kooyong – Dr Monique Ryan
In a stunning upset, with climate the top vote-determining issue, the independent challenger Dr Monique Ryan displaced the Liberal heir apparent, Josh Frydenberg. According to the ABC, the Treasurer’s primary vote dropped 6.3% to 42.9%. Due to strategic voting Greens and Labor votes fell – Dr Ryan won the seat with a positive swing (and primary vote) of 41.5%.
Lighter Footprints supported local climate alliance KCCA in running a Vote Climate campaign. Climate action was framed around financial, economic and health benefits.
There is a huge mood for change in Kooyong
On the back of a strong candidate field and community campaign, the Liberal vote dropped below 50% in 2019, the first time since 1972.
The Liberal incumbent faced a serious challenge – mid campaign polling suggesting the seat was very much in play.
- Climate change is a top concern
- Kooyong voters do not feel represented, and want a candidate who represents their values.
- Three in four Kooyong voters believe that climate action would strengthen the economy, protect their health and is worth doing despite “any costs involved” – Australia’s Biggest Climate Poll.
Australia needs to move away from coal and gas
- The Liberals continued to push public funds into fossil fuels – recent announcements include $660 million for new energy in the NT, the vast majority for gas.
- The ALP recently suggested that it would welcome jobs from new Galilee coal mines.
At this moment in history we have a strategic opportunity to support Dr Monique Ryan in shifting Australia towards clean energy and rapid climate action.
Lighter Footprints in conjunction with KCCA ran a full scale Vote Climate campaign in Kooyong.
Activities included:
- Street conversations on Saturday mornings and some week day mornings
- A campaign launch at the Marwal Centre in March
- Multiple rounds of letter-dropping including a Candidate Forum and climate spin flyers, and the Candidate Scorecard right across Kooyong
- A Candidate Forum with the incumbent represented by an empty chair, and Alex Currell from the VCAN Scorecard Development Committee explaining LNP climate and integrity policies.
- Frydo Fridays continued with May’s being billed, prophetically, as the last one ever.
- KCCA coordinated staffing pre-poll and polling day booths for scorecard delivery.
Kooyong campaign: clean energy – transforming manufacturing and exports.
Why invest in clean economy?
- We have abundant renewable resources and could be the “low cost energy producer of the world” – Prof Ross Garnaut
- 395,000 clean export jobs and $89 billion in new trade through to 2040 with stronger clean energy exports investment – EY/WWF Clean Energy Exports report
- A threefold jobs increase compared to spending on fossil fuel projects – 2020 Ernst & Young report
- Doubling renewables jobs by 2025 with strong policy settings – Clean Energy at Work report
Renewables and storage will reduce the cost of energy and increase jobs
- Annual household savings of $5000 from moving from all-electric homes and cars, A modest investment in the next 5 years ($12b) would reap over $300bn savings through to 2035 – Rewiring Australia’s Castles and Cars report
- Solar and wind continue to be cheapest form of new power generation in Australia – CSIRO GenCost 2021 report
- A gas-free home is safer for our families. It’s time to move to cleaner, affordable electric appliances. Download our Making the Shift brochure with links here

A problem – our politicians are stuck on coal and gas
Even though Australia has world leading solar and wind resources, and massive potential for renewables-led exports, our government still is promoting gas expansion with over 100 fossil fuel projects in the pipeline with a total emissions potential equal to an eye-watering 5% of global industrial emissions.
- Incoming Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen so far has refused to increase Labor’s inadequate 43% by 2030 target.
- Following the science would suggest emissions reduction targets of 75% by 2030.
- Accelerating climate action would set Australia up to be a clean energy superpower, transforming manufacturing and exports.
Time is running out. The rest of the world has got the message and is moving fast.
We don’t want to be left behind.
We have to shift our politics!

Vote Climate Neighbours Project
Why are local people voting climate?
Check out our Vote Climate Neighbours page here.
Here are some local stories!
- Alison Wright is working for better climate leadership
- Ray Peck says we already have the technology – we just need political will
- Jackie Yowell wants to avoid leaving a legacy of destruction for future generations
- Mick Nolan wants to accelerate clean energy
- Annie Nihill is focusing on hope, with collaborative climate action
Further Information
Kooyong Climate Change Alliance
Lighter Footprints is a member of KCCA which works with allies to run Vote Climate campaigns at local, State and Federal elections.
Lighter Footprints
- Vote Climate campaigns highlights blog
- Kooyong Candidate Scorecard information page
- Climate spin information page, and interactive pdf flyer for expert commentary.about the LNP climate plans.
- Short Vote Climate campaign video
- Rasons to Vote Climate blog
- Lighter Footprints blog on Vote Climate action
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