Kooyong Votes Climate Scorecard header

Your vote matters – makes sure it’s based on the facts!

Kooyong is no longer “safe”

Map of Division of Kooyong

Kooyong Climate Candidate Scorecard

It shows that the choices are stark! Information is critical to an informed choice.

Kooyong Candidates Forum Scorecard final

Summaries of candidates policies and scorecard rationale

The scorecard rates candidates on five key climate policy areas and two policies related to government integrity. We included integrity issues because of the clear link between failures in governance and failures in climate policy.

Each policy has been scored as GOOD, FAIR or POOR based on the candidates’ published policies.

We have made every effort to be objective and fair in our scoring. Summaries of each candidate’s policies were prepared, and where we did not have prior confirmation, we endeavoured to contact candidates so they could review and correct them before we finalised our scoring. Some Parties/Candidates did not respond. Policies were scored using simple and clear criteria, and you can find the full scoring rationale here.

Senate Voting

Under the new Senate voting system, you must number six or more boxes if voting above the line (and 12 or more if voting below the line).

It is far better to number as many boxes as possible until you get to the last few that are all as bad as each other.

Senate scoring details here.

Kooyong Candidate Scorecard Senate Final

Why vote for more than six when voting above the line?

In each state, there are six seats, so quite commonly two go to Labor, two go to the Coalition and one goes to the Greens. Who wins that sixth seat is occasionally determined by a small number of votes, and yet that Senator could end up as part of the balance of power!

If you have just numbered six boxes above the line, and all your preferred candidates have been eliminated by the time the final place is decided, you will have no say over who wins that last place. More detailed Senate scoring explanation here.

It’s important to number the ‘less bad’ options as well as the good options. Tell your friends: ‘vote for more than six’!

Kooyong voters want strong climate action


Does Minister Josh Frydenberg represent Kooyong voters’ values?

You can check out Josh Frydenberg’s voting record yourself here, including “consistently against” a fast transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy, action on animal & plant extinctions, increasing political transparency, and increasing the age pension.


Together We Can Australia's Biggest Climate Survey Kooyong

Is Australia really doing well on climate? 

We could be investing clean exports and developing the industries of the future!

Check out our Climate Spin page for accurate information about what’s really going in with Australia’s Net Zero by 2050 plans.

It’s time for expanding solar, wind, exporting electrons and clean metals, not throwing more public money at large gas companies!


Climate action is good for the economy

  • EY/WWF Clean Energy Exports report: 395,000 clean export jobs and $89 billion in new trade through to 2040 with stronger clean energy exports investment
  • Ernst & Young report: a threefold jobs increase compared to spending on fossil fuel projects
  • BCA: “Ambitious action to reduce emissions isn’t just critical for the environment, it is our path to a stronger and more competitive economy”, Jennifer Westacott, CEO, Business Council of Australia 

Lighter Footprints

Further Information

This scorecard was developed by members of the Victorian Climate Action Network/Kooyong Climate Change Alliance scorecard working group including Lighter Footprints.

Kooyong Climate Change Alliance (KCCA)

Along with partner local climate groups, Lighter Footprints is a member of KCCA.
LF is assisting KCCA in running climate conversations, pre-poll and polling day events as part of the non-partisan Vote Climate campaign in Kooyong.

Lighter Footprints


This page is authorised by Lighter Footprints Inc, Register Number A0095302A, Kew Victoria